Hangman Game Feedback

to produce garden plants industrial way they use it for putting the little greenstuff into bigger compartmentments
1. a mostly very big industrial machine
2. which has different types of round wheels on which little empty plastik pots are circling
3. wherein a human (best way) or another machine puts baby plants very fast
1. i think there is no other expression other than english potmachine
i have solved my apprenticeship in a garden plant producing betrieb and regularly we used this potmachine. a word which was said was always: you dont switch off the machine once its running, you have to work til one part of the process is finished, there is no reason to turn off the machine as long as new empty pots are coming along and enough baby plants are available. no smoke, no toilet, no drink... but that was a way i liked to work. i liked the strong mechanical functionality of this equipment which was unnachgiebig, herzlos und genau durchdacht. es hat mich sehr inspiriert.

German > - Others - > Computers / Technology

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