在网路, 通过与母语人士而又在学习您的语言的人士交流来学习瑞典语. 通过写作或对话来增强您的瑞典语语法以及会话能力.
语言交换补足了其它的学习形式, 诸如: 课堂, 文化沉浸以及多媒体, 因为您一定要把所有您所学到的与母语人士在安全而互助的环境下练习.
- 学习普通母语人士使用的真正瑞典语(俚语,表达,等等)
- 习惯母语人士在真实瑞典语(随意)对话中的讲话方式
- 结交来自瑞典语文化的朋友
语言交换学习不需要花很多钱, 因为我们提供免费的指导以及对话课程计划给您, 这样您就可以自己开展语言交换了.
了解更多优点, 请见为什么进行语言交换.
在MyLanguageExchange.com, 您可以
- 找到说瑞典语的交换伙伴
- 通过Email交流练习瑞典语(笔友)
- 通过文字聊天练习对话
- 通过语音聊天练习听说
我们提供免费, 有用的指导和技巧帮助您了解如何进行语言交换, 而且还提供由语言交换专家设计的免费课程计划. 内容十分有趣可以让您和新的学习伙伴很容易进入并获得有效的练习.
简单地说, 通过语言交换您就有了所有您需要的手段来练习和学习瑞典语.
Email, 文字聊天或语音聊天?
至于哪一种交换方式适合您, 取决于您的瑞典语程度以及您的学习目标. 来看看哪一种交换方式对您最合适.
在您开始练习之前, 请阅读免费的指导如何进行语言交换来了解如何有效地进行语言交换.
MyLanguageExchange.com "正在网路上做一件不平凡的事."
"我们的知识水平得到很大的提高. 你们让我们梦想成真."
- Juan Jose Guerrero, Seville (西班牙)
这里列出了最近加入的母语为瑞典语的会员, 他们可以成为您的伙伴. 想查看所有母语为瑞典语的已注册会员, 请点击这里. 逐个点击名字了解更多详情或者联系这位会员.
名字 | 国家 (城市) | 母 语 | 练习 语言 | 描述 |
I want to learn English. l like learning about other cultures. I want to talk to people from all over the world. thanks
Hiya! I am from Sweden but I live in USA right now, but I am moving back in a couple of months! I can speak English & Finnish fluently. I am a geek and a gamer but I also love traveling, photography and baking! I would love to learn Japanese &.....
瑞典语 |
英语 |
波斯语(法尔西语,达里语,哈扎拉语) |
Hi, I'm Elmira, I'm learning Arabic, and I'm happy to help anyone who wants to do an exchange learning English, Swedish, or Farsi.
اريد أن اتحدث اللغلة العربية. اتحدث اللغة الانجليزي و السويدي و الفارسي
波兰语 |
波斯语(法尔西语,达里语,哈扎拉语) |
意大利语 |
Hej hej, I'm Jonas from Sweden. I'm a recreational language learner interested in many languages. At the moment I'm doing Persian, Italian and Basque.
I can help with Swedish or English (I've lived in the US several years).
I'm a woman from Sweden. I live in the country with my family. I like learning English, working out at the gym a bit, reading , watching movies and other things like gardening and baking. I'm positve and nice.
Hello, im Matilda but im called Tilly.
My interest are traveling, gaming, i loved dancing but due to my back injury i cant dance at the moment while it heals. But other than that my interest are animals and plants, anime ,manga and japanese culture .....
I am a Swedish teacher, 55 years old who would like to communicate with people all over the world and to paractice and to learn more English. French and German. I am interested in learning more about other countries and cultures and to get new friend.....
My name is Emma and I am a conceptual artist living in Paris since a little bit less than a year. I am currently trying to learn French. I previously liven in London and Los Angeles so I have a good knowledge of english as well.
I am interested in .....
Hi! I'm a native swede learning spanish. I am also fluent in english and would love to meet someone who wants to practice english or swedish while being fluent in spanish :)
I am indian but working in dubai, I would like to learn russian & farsi and also can share my hindi & sindhi to you. So i need your help for learning this language for my business & for make new friends.
I just arrived in Troyes and am looking for friendly people who I can practice French with. I love climbing and watching movies, and I'm open to talk about anything! I speak Swedish and English fluently and a little bit of French.
I am a Swedish man who likes to learn new things and new cultures. I try to catch some phrases and words when I travel but I like to learn more.
Working with economy now and I have been living abroad for some years but I am now back in Sweden again.....
I'm Sannah, location_elsewhe re / locatione.
I live alone in Umeå in northern Sweden (I don't have a husband or children).
I'm looking for korean friends, would prefer males since I always had mainly male friends.
Both mainstre.....
I am a gold member now.
I live in Gothenburg. Sweden. My interests are: Cars. Electronics. Nature. The sea. Music and watches.
If you want to learn more about sweden or the Swedish language please don't hesitate to contact me!
Hi With a passion for travel, exercise, singing karaoke, and meeting friends, i am a dynamic individual eager to embrace new experiences. Inspired by Japan's captivating culture and breathtaking landscapes, i aspires to learn the Japanese langua.....
Hello I am Kalle Fran Langedrag ....
I love photography ( instagram ), movies, history, museums, eating and cooking food.....
I am not a Gold-member ....
But, i dont like watching sports ......
Voglio imparare a parlare la belissima lingua italiano.
My name is John (69) and I am a retired socialworker. I live in Stockholm and like to meet a native italian so we can exchange languages.
My interests are learning more italian, buildi.....
I have always´d loved the Japanese culture never been to Japan but it has always´d been a dream of mine to go there someday so I want to learn to speak & write Japanese. Happy to talk and know people who are interested as me.
(Love Anime, Japa.....
Hello everybody! I am originally from Sweden but have lived, studied and worked in London for the last 14 years. Looking to improve my French through casual conversation, happy to help with anything English (or Swedish) related in return :)
Je suis Suédoise et ma langue maternelle est le suédois. Je suis professeure au collège et j'enseigne l'anglais et le français. Mes principaux centres d'intérêt sont les langues, les voyages, la lecture, la randonnée et le jardinage. M.....
"我的语言交换进行的非常棒"-"我们对语言交换满意之极. 感谢你们建立的一切, 感谢你们所做的一切."
- John C., 美国纽约
"这是我第一喜欢的网页. 谢谢."
- 美国
..."我一直使用你们的网页练习法语, 我会把这个网站推荐给我认识的每一个人."
- Katerina Vallianatos, ESL教师, 美国
..."我花了大约一个多月的时间才找到一个合我的口味的网站. 真心的祝贺并谢谢你们. 请继续这个美好的事业."
- Paskoila, 加拿大魁北克 St- Jean
"我把你们的网页推荐给了我的西班牙语老师以及其他的学生. 我觉得是个好主意.
"-"以后成为教师我会更多的利用它. 谢谢."
- 美国
- Niel Smith, 美国加州硅谷