名前 | 国 (都市) | 母国 言語 | 学習したい 言語 | 詳細 |
Hi!I’m Amy.I’m from Taiwan and my mother language is mandarin.I also can speak English and Japanese fluently.Now,, I am learning Thai and l want to find language exchange partners!If you are interested in it,feel free to contact me Feel free to conta.....
Je m'appelle Aileen et j'aimerais trouver des partenaires d'échange linguistique pour améliorer mon français. J'apprends le français depuis 2 ans. Je pourrai vous aider en anglais ou en chinois si vous le souhaitez.
Hi there, I'm TUTU from Hangzhou, China, and I'm eager to find a native English speaker to practice and improve my English skills. I'm passionate about learning languages and believe that language exchange is a fantastic way to enhance.....
Hi there! 👋 I'm just starting my journey of learning French and would love to practice with a native speaker. 🌍 In exchange, I can help you with Chinese! I'm patient and passionate about language learning, and I'd love to support you.....
英語 |
標準中国語 |
台湾語(ホッキエン語、ミンナン語) |
広東語 |
I enjoy meeting people from different cultures and backgrounds. I grew up and reside in Australia. I speak English, Mandarin, Cantonese fluently and some Taiwanese/Minnan ese and French. I am happy to help people with their English, Mandarin and Canto.....
Hello :) I am from China, currently living in Beijing. I'm a Ph.D candidate major in computer architecture and my hobbies include watching movies, traveling, photography, and playing the guitar in my spare time. I really enjoy communicating with.....
こんにちは!Darrenです。 私はアメリカ人で、英語と中国語を 母語として話しています。日本語を学 ぶための言語交換パートナーを探して います。代わりに、あなたの英語力向 上をお手伝いします。
また、 アメリカへの移住方法、アメリカの大 学院への出願方法、アメリカでフルタ イムの仕事を得る方法について知りた い方も、ぜひご連絡ください。英語圏 の国に適応するためのコツも喜んで共 有します。
夜間や週末が希望 の時間帯です。よろしくお願いします !
Hi, I am a Chinese America.....
Hello, I am a native speaker of Chinese Mandarin. I have been living in the Netherlands for three years. I am planning to learn Dutch so that I can communicate better with local people. I have been teaching the Chinese language and culture for the pa.....
Hi, this is Yvonne, a native Mandarin and Taiwanese speaker who loves traveling and explore new places. I would like to find native English speakers for language exchange. In return I can help you in Mandarin or Taiwanese. Feel free to contact me or .....
I am a girl from Taiwan used to study in Stirling, the United Kingdom, and Leiden, the Netherlands. I am eager to learn some dutch , English, and German, and long for different cultural experiences. I’m quite open-minded, if you are interested in Lan.....
Hi I am a 50 years old women seeking for partern for practice French. I have lived in Montreal for 16 years and studies French as new immigration, but I don't feel my oral French has improved, even I regularly listen to radio or watch film. I ho.....
日本語 |
英語 |
広東語 |
台湾語(ホッキエン語、ミンナン語) |
Hi! I'm native in Mandarin Chinese, but I also speak English, Shanghainese, and a sprinkle of Cantonese and Taiwanese Hokkien. Looking for language partners that can hold simple Japanese conversations. In exchange, I'll help you practise ba.....
我是一个中国人,但是我生活在日本已 经有快20年了,所以我会说中文,也 会说日语。我喜欢音乐、读书,电影, 还有cycling 。
想要学习英文是因为我喜欢学习外语 ,而英语是一门应用非常广泛的语言, 通过学习它,我可以开阔视野,并且学 到更多的知识。我现在的工作也需要用 到英文,所以好的英语可以提高我的工 作质量。
初めまして、日本に 20年近く住んでいる中国人です、趣 味は音楽、読書、映画鑑賞、サイクリ ングです。
英語を学びたいのは、 外国語を学ぶのが好きで、英語はとて も広く.....
Hello, I am Will Dong (唯乐) from China. Next year, I want to study abroad, so I need to pass the IELTS exam. My English level is about B1, so I can hold simple conversations, but vocabulary is my weakest skill.
I was a VFX artist, but 3 months ago, I.....
Hi! I'm Grace,come from Taiwan.I love traveling ,hiking , cooking and learning new language as well :)
We can text chat , writing emails and voice chat. , please feel free to friend me on Line or send me a mail.
See you soon !
Hello, I'm charlotte from Taiwan. I'm planning a trip to Sydney during Mar 1st-5th. It'd be great to meet locals and know the culture there. I like street dance, so I'll go to have a class if I can make a time. I love food, there .....
Hi Guys! I'm John who still need a lot of practice for English, I'd like to find someone who open-minded that always leave some room to see different aspect of world. I was born and raised in China, but my mother tongue is Korean, all my fa.....
I want to improve my English spealing skill,also I can teach Chinese and Japanese.
Hey I am a serial entrepreneur and also a six year old girl's father. I'm looking for a English tutor who can teach my daughter in a real life's way. She will be available On Monday. Thursday, Friday's afternoon and Saturday'.....