Name | Country (City) | Native Language | Practicing Language | Description |
After finishing my studies and starting work, I have barely had any opportunities to practice speaking English, and I feel like my language skills are quickly atrophying. I am a very curious person: can’t wait to connect with someone from a different culture! And, of course, I would also be delighted to talk to you in my native language.
A little about me: I love reading, painting and ... See more
United States
(Brooklyn, NY)
My name is Luisa. I am an Internal Medicine physician associate with a passion for languages. I grew up in Italy where I attended primary and middle school, as well as a Liceo Classico. Later, I moved to New York where I currently live. Here in New York, I pursued a bachelor and a Master level degree in French translation and Italian language and literature before getting my medical degr... See more
I would like to talk to someone of my level to improve my speaking, i am embarrassed to speak a foreign language
I can do the best to help you with Italian
Hello! My name is Gloria. My hobbies are learning languages, reading, listening to music, sports, and animals. I would like to improve my level in the languages I'm trying to learn.
Chinese, Mandarin
Ciao a tutti , sono italiano e vivo in New York da qualche mese ,se qualcuno è interessato ad imparare l’italiano io sono disponibile!. I am on Skype . I am not a gold-member so you will have to contact me. Looking forward to talking to you
I want to practice the English language a lot, both spoken and written, which I have at a basic/intermediate level
I am available for other people to practice, speak the languages I know, Italian and Espaniol
Ciao! Ho incominciato ad apprendere la lingua francese come autodidatta (online) nel periodo del cosiddetto lockdown. Per cui sono un principiante. Nonostante questo vorrei provare anche questa forma di apprendimento nonostante abbia dei timori che il mio livello sia ancora troppo basso. Ho 66 anni, da ca. due anni in pensione. Ho diversi interessi, mi piace la natura, il movimento, le camminate i... See more
Ciao! 😊 mi sono iscritto qui per conoscere persone di tutto il mondo, di qualsiasi cultura/religione, che magari vogliono imparare l'italiano, o saperne di più sull'Italia. Sono una persona molto solare, e mi piace parlare di qualsiasi argomento (I'm a gold member)
Hello. I am Chris. I would be glad to help people with Greek and/or English (and with Italian, if I can). I like music, films, tennis, nature, walking, summer, sweets, and above all, people. And I am very interested in Eastern cultures. I love Japan and Korea, and I also like China, Taiwan and HK a lot too. I like so many things, from all the countries, I have met several people from the East, and... See more
Hi! My name is Riccardo and I'm from Italy. I'm currently studying phylosophy at University, but at the same time I'm planning to continue my studies abroad. At the moment, I’m not focused on learning a specific language, and except for keep my english on a decent level, I’m interested in each one of the languages I’ve mentioned (spanish, french and german), mostly because I think t... See more