名字 | 國家 (市) | 母 語 | 練習 語 | 描述 |
I am 35, from Wales, UK. I currently live in Ukraine. I enjoy reading, cinema, travel and eating!
Hola. Me llamo Gwyn. ¿Quieres mejorar tu inglés? Te puedo ofrecer lecciones gratis por Skype. No importa tu nivel de inglés. Quiero adquirir experiencia en enseñar inglés.
I offer English lessons via Skype, free of charge. I'm also looking to improve my Spanish, French and Italian.
I enjoy learing new languages and meeting people from
different cultures. I like sport reading travelling. I work as a lawyer.
Nin Hao, Wo xuexi Shufa he hanyu. I need to learn basic French and simple Spanish. Also wish to relearn some Russian expressions I learnt a long time ago. Tibetan and Nepali would also be useful. I'm an artist, and as such have a love of reading and music. Wishing you all well.
Live on remote Scottish island with otters, puffins, orcas, grey seals and the aurora borealis.
Trying to learn fair isle pattern knitting.
Wanting to improve on and pick up more Spanish, it is such a pretty language :)
I’m a beginner, a couple of years on duolingo but I need to improve. My
Salut !
Je suis galloise et ma langue maternelle est le gallois mais je suis bilingue, en fait je suis prof d'anglais à Madrid.
J'ai étudiée le français au lycée mais j'ai arrêtée pendant quelques années, et il y a cinq/six ans, j'ai recommencée. Je veux pratiquer le français/anglais avec des gens sympas et on peut parler de tout.
J'attends votre message.
Hello, fy enw i yw Hayley. Dwin dod of Fangor yn gwreiddiol. Dwi di bod yn byw yn Lloegr ers ugain mlynedd. Dwi dal hefo teulu ym Mangor ond dwin siarad saesneg hefo nhw! Es I i ysgolion cymraeg ac oddwn i'n siarad yn rhygl, ond dwi di colli hyder. Dwin gobeithio symud yn ol i fuw yn Cymru yn y pen draw.
Hello, my name is Hayley. I come from Bangor originally. I've been li... See more
I am a first language Welsh speaker who is also fluent in English. I have developed a passion for the Spanish language but feel that I am not progressing beyond the lower intermediate stage. I would love to be able to chat to a native speaker in order to push things along