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Hi everybody ! I'm Pietro and I'm Italian and I’m NOT a gold member so I cannot reply to your email. My English really needs a brushup and my German is almost memory of a long time ago. I would love the opportunity to practise both with new friends. I need to learn Russian ans Estonian as well but I’m an absolute beginner. I would be grateful if you teach me a way of studying them since... See more
Bonjour, je m'appelle Jacopo, j'ai 36 ans et je viens de Como. Je suis ici pour practiquer le français, écrit et oral avec des personnes sympas!
I'd be happy to make you practice English, e posso aiutare anche con l'italiano!
(Ita) Ciao Sono Hassan. Adoro anime e manga e ogni tanto gioco ai videogiochi e mi interessa la cultura giapponese. Potete parlarmi inglese ma anche italiano e se sapete il giapponese magari potreste impararmi 2 o 3 cose.
Mi piacerebbe riuscire a raggiungere un buon livello d'inglese/spagnolo per poter parlare anche di argomento diverso che non riguardano solo il mio lavoro.
Ich heisse Cristina
Es gefällt mir zu Reisen, Tanzen, Ausstellungen zu besuchen und neuen Menschen kennen zu lernen.
Ich suche einen/eine Partner/in um die englishe Sprache zu verbessern.
스위스 독일어
Bavarian (Austro-Bavarian)
Hallo, ich bin Patrick. Ich suche jemanden, mit dem ich mich häufig auf Deutsch unterhalten kann. Mein Niveau ist fast mittelstufig, während ich Muttersprachler Italienisch bin. Deshalb biete ich mich gerne an, diejenigen zu unterstützen, die meine Muttersprache lernen möchten.
Hi, I would like to improve my French and to practice my English. I can help learn Italian, of course.
I'm an italian man and I would like to improve my english.
My interests are sports, play guitar (I love music!), cinema and travelling.
I offer my help to you with italian language so I'll improve my very poor english!! ;-))
I just wanna get some American friends