American Penpals (u.s., U.s.a.) - Pen Friends For Exchange Of Language And Culture

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person Tyler
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August 7, 2024
United States
こんにちは、僕はタイラーです!カリフォルニアで3Dアートを勉強しています。本、テレビ番組、アート、ビデオゲーム、料理、日本語を勉強するのが好き。高校の時に横浜に交換留学で行きました。すごく楽しかった!それ以来あまり日本語を勉強していないけど、今もっと学びたい。何でも話すのが好き、英語の手伝いもできるよ! Hello, my name is Tyler! I'm a 3D art student in California interested in books, shows, art, video games, cooking, and learning Japanese. In high school I went on a foreign exchange trip to Yokohama and had a great time. I haven't stu... See more

person Chloe
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April 30, 2024
United States
Chinese, Mandarin
Wanting to learn Chinese for travel.

person Shirley
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June 5, 2023
United States
I have been learning the Hebrew alphabet and can sound out words in Hebrew. My mother's grandparents, from Poland and Scotland, spoke and read Hebrew, but she only learned a few phrases. Although I can read and look up words in Hebrew, my ability to speak and understand is lagging. I hope that I can offer someone practice in English and get some practice in Hebrew. I enjoy conversation in oth... See more

person Bryan
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April 27, 2023
United States
Hello, nice to meet you. My name is Bryan and I live in California, USA. I am planning to go to Japan in July 2023 so I hope I can also make friends here. I can help you with your English if you can help me with my Japanese. I love listening to alternative rock, kpop, and jpop. I also like to read manga and I am a fan of makoto shinkai films.

person Emily
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August 15, 2022
United States
こんにちわ。私はエミリです。私はカリフォルニアです。私はは日本語のがく生です。 Hello! My name is Emily. I want to learn Japanese because my mom is Japanese and I have family living there. It is an important part of my culture. I want to learn Spanish because it is commonly used where I am. I am very excited to learn and teach what I know!

person Hana
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April 10, 2022
United States
I’m a native Japanese speaker who wants to study/talk in English. I can offer one-on-one Japanese lesson free of charge for advanced/studious learners who are native English speakers.

person RONALD
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February 1, 2022
United States
I'm 55 years old been to Japan 19 times exwife is Japanese I know many Japanese words I just need to improve my Japanese speaking

person Noah
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August 8, 2021
United States
Hello, my name is Noah. I am 24 years old and interested in learning German. My friend and I are planning a month long trip next year throughout Europe and I would like to be somewhat fluent in German. I enjoy camping and off-roading. I travel to many places and enjoy learning as much as I can.

person Abel
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March 31, 2021
United States
Chinese, Mandarin
The Japanese and the Chinese culture both haveWoman that are very Beautiful and I'm interested in learning either language with the intentions of finding my Queen.

person Anna
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August 1, 2020
United States
I chose e-mail, but what I'm really looking for are snail mail penpals. I'm originally from Finland, but I live in US now and I have an American husband, so my daily language is English which I speak and write on a high level. I love language learning, books, dancing, traveling and learning about other cultures. I used to have many penpals (actual snail mail ones) and this is the aspec... See more
Total found: 85
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