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Helene Cormier's Language Exchange Workshops have helped hundreds of people in Montreal, Canada become more fluent in their second language. Recently, the creator of the Cormier Method of langauge exchange faciliatated her first workshops online, resulting in students who are eager to return. Here is what some of her students from both the face-to-face workshops at the CELM language school in Montreal and the online workshops at MyLanguageExchange.com have said.

J'tais bien reconnaisant de l'opportunit de converser en franais avec quelqu'un pour qui c'est sa langue maternelle. Comme vous pouvez imaginer, il n'y en a pas beaucoup dans ma ville.

J'amais les excercices - poser des questions de l'un l'autre. Et ses sujets m'intressaient...

Je me suis bien amus tout de meme, et je voudrais le reprendre dans quelques semaines...

Je voudrais vous remercier d'tre tel bon prof de franais, et a la fois tellement sympathique.

...I enjoyed the workshop, and hope to do another sometime in the future.

- Henry Eichel, online workshops, summer 2001

I like best... the chance to practice with real native speakers in an environment somewhat more structured than the 'real world'... Great atmosphere for language learning. Students are an interesting cosmopolitan mix. Teachers are great.

- student of face-to-face workshops, spring 2000

Hlne is an excellent facilitator, she is warm & friendly, & very organized. :-) I really enjoy the people I have met here and have found the experience very enriching. THANK YOU ALL!
- student of face-to-face workshops, fall 1998

Moi, c'est surtout pour apprendre les expressions, comment les gens parlent rellement... Avant, j'avais peur de parler en anglais: maintenant, j'ai pas peur! Les ateliers, a m'a vraiment enlev la barrire de parler anglais: pas juste apprendre la langue parce qu'il le faut, mais parce que j'ai le got.

- student of face-to-face workshops, summer 2000

I always refrain from speaking French in public as much as possible because I am a little embarrassed to speak it. I usually do not feel confident enough. This group, however, has allowed me to realize that I don't have to have perfect French. As long as my message gets across, that is the most important thing. Practising in a small group like this will enable me to feel more confident when the opportunity to speak French in public comes up... I like seeing the language barriers break. =) Thanks!

- student of face-to-face workshops, fall 1998

I can learn expressions not [taught] in my other classes... Your program is unique and ironically desperately needed in this city... Your Language Exchange Workshops have helped me to understand the common language spoken by the people of Montreal.

- student of face-to-face workshops, spring 2000

The topics in the workshops are thought-provoking and the participation and interaction of the group is very good! Both the Workshops and the Caf linguistique are very effective and I have not been disappointed.

- student of face-to-face workshops, spring 2000

Cet atelier est trs utile pour pratiquer son anglais... On s'y sent l'aise. Donc, on n'a pas peur si l'on ne parle pas un anglais parfait. On apprend beaucoup de vocabulaire, et surtout de l'anglais 'colloquial'.

- student of face-to-face workshops, spring 2001

I've been telling all my friends: this is the best French I've ever had.

- student of face-to-face workshops, fall 2000

J'ai particip plusieurs programmes d'change linguistique Montral, celui-ci dpasse tous les autres.

- student of face-to-face workshops, spring 2000

Facilitator's role: 2 thumbs up! (Siskel & Ebert) A class act all the way! Outstanding!

- student of face-to-face workshops, fall 1998

This is a brilliant idea. Most people who take French courses don't have the chance to activate their 12,000 conjugations. Here, it is possible - and amongst such charming, interesting people!

- student of face-to-face workshops, spring 2001

Helene is no longer involved with MyLanguageExchange.com and the online Language Exchange Workshops are no longer offered.

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