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Re: Wie sollen unsere Städte zukünftig aussehen? What shall our cities look like in the future?
Astrid, my opinion is that there is no single solution that would be suitable everywhere. An acceptable solution for Amsterdam would not necessarily be equally acceptable for Lagos, Novosibirsk, Hong Kong, San Francisco, or São Paulo. (Also, not all cities have hundreds of thousands or millions of people; the nearest city to where I live has fewer than 5,000 inhabitants.)

Astrid, meiner Meinung nach gibt es keine einzelne Lösung, die überall geeignet wären. Eine annehmbare Lösung für Amsterdam wäre nicht unbedingt gleich annehmbar für Lagos, Nowosibirsk, Hongkong, San Francisco, oder São Paulo. (Auch haben nicht alle Städte Hunderttausende oder Millionen von Menschen; die Stadt, die mir am nähsten liegt, hat weniger als 5.000 Einwohner. [Vielleicht sollte es wohl besser „das Städtlein“ auf Deutsch heißen?])

Language pair: German; English
July 3, 2023

# Msgs: 2
Latest: July 3, 2023
Wie sollen unsere Städte zukünftig aussehen? What shall our cities look like in the future?
Die einen wünschen sich komplett autofreie Städte, die anderen zumindest autofreie Zonen. Die nächsten wollen Innenstädte nur für Fußgänger, also Autos und Fahrräder haben beide draußen zu bleiben. Dann gibt es wiederum welche, die wollen gut ausgebaute und abseits vom Autoverkehr geführte Radwege innerhalb der Städte - ggf. die Umwandlung von Autospuren oder Parkstreifen in solche - und die nächsten meinen, wenn man auf Elektromobilität umstellt, kann alles so bleiben, wie es ist. Und dann gibt es wiederum welche, die wünschen sich eher mehr (Park)raum fürs Auto.
Welcher Meinung seid Ihr?
Und warum?

Some want totally car-free cities, others at least car-free zones in the cities. The next ones want city centres only for pedestrians, cars and bicycles both have to stay outside. Then again, there are those who want well-developed cycle paths within the cities, away from car traffic - possibly the conversion of car lanes or parking lanes into such - and the next think that if you switch to electromobility, everything can stay as it is. And then there are those who would rather have more (parking) space for cars.
Which is your opinion?
And why?

Language pair: German; English
Astrid G.
July 2, 2023

# Msgs: 2
Latest: July 3, 2023
Urlaub trotz Corona? / Going on holiday in spite of Corona?
Fahrt Ihr dieses Jahr in den Urlaub oder findet Ihr das derzeit zu riskant wegen Corona? Welche Pläne habt Ihr für den Sommer, um die Sonne zu genießen und Euch von Arbeit und Haushalt zu erholen?
Ich fahre derzeit noch nicht in den Urlaub. Es ist mir zu riskant, mich ( trotz Impfung ) dort zu infizieren und nicht nach Hause zu kommen, oder den Urlaub im Hotelzimmer verbringen zu müssen. Ich werde den Sommer, wann immer es geht, bei meinem Schwimmverein verbringen. Wir können dort im See und im Pool schwimmen und auf der großen Liegewiese sonnenbaden; fast wie im Urlaub.

Do you go on holiday this year or do you think it is too risky because of Covid-19? Which plans do you have for summer to enjoy the sun and relax from work and housework?
I decided not to go on holiday yet. I do not want to risk to get a corona infection ( although I'm vaccinated ) and not be able to go home, or have to spend my holidays in a hotel room.
I will spend as much time as possible at my swimclub. We can go swimming in the pool or in the lake and there also is a big lawn for sunbathing, almost like being on holiday.

Language pair: German; English
Astrid G.
January 10, 2022

# Msgs: 1

Re:It is hard to use this website as I cannot easily reach to the person I want to exchange
If you have both first name and family name of the person ( check the info (s)he left on this page ) maybe you can try to find her / him on social networks?

Language pair: Chinese, Mandarin; English
Astrid G.
September 15, 2021

# Msgs: 5
Latest: September 15, 2021
I need your help in teaching German language
Hello everyone ,
I would like to learn German language from a native speaker .In return , I can help him or her in learning Arabic language .Please do not hesitate to contact me back.
Take care

Language pair: Arabic, Middle Eastern; English
October 31, 2020

# Msgs: 1

Re: I know it would be hard
Hi Leonid,

“already” is an adverb in English. (Actually, in US English, there are two different “already” adverbs; the second one is a semantic loan from Yiddish, to express impatience or exasperation, e.g. “Enough already with the loud music!”)

Not all English adverbs can be used universally. For example, unlike the Russian adverb «очень», the English adverb “very” can’t be used to modify verbs. Similarly, the primary “already” adverb cannot be used with all verbal tenses.

Language pair: Russian; English
October 24, 2020

# Msgs: 3
Latest: October 24, 2020
I dont know Title
Hello I'm fourteen years old I like sport's I've played soccer, wrestling, and planning on playing football for my school I live in the United States in ohio I'm single uh Ilike being active and yeah -JACOb

Language pair: English; 
Jacob W.
May 12, 2020

# Msgs: 1

Learn the Etiquette
Just a word of advise to those of you seeking a language partner -- it's worthwhile to learn the etiquette of the country of the person your contacting (e.g., around what to do when setting a meeting) before you make contact. This is especially the case if you're living away from your usual country of residence; realize that things may be different in your new country and ask a lot of questions if you're unsure of something. Without intention, I offended a potential language partner, and I feel terrible about the situation. As a consequence I'm going to miss out on what I thought would have been a great language exchange.

Language pair: English; Polish
Marcin P.
September 9, 2019

# Msgs: 1

Ищу учителя и ученика
Я, Сергей. Живу в Украине в городе Киев. Хочу освоить знание Английского языка. Могу помочь в обучении Русским. Пишите, отвечу.

Language pair: Russian; English
Сергей Т.
March 11, 2018

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:Re:It is hard to use this website as I cannot easily reach to the person I want to exchange
One trick that some use is to drop a hint about one's contact information. Giving contact information is risky and violates the terms of the membership agreement, hence why it must be done carefully if it is used at all.

Language pair: Chinese, Mandarin; English
Tana C.
September 14, 2017

# Msgs: 5
Latest: September 15, 2021
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