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Language > Italian
Category > Vocabulary/Translations

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Can anyone translate this sentence for me?it's igbo i think
mmmmm. onye bu onye nkaaaaaaaaa nwane

Language pair: Italian; Igbo (Ibo)
Maya J.
May 13, 2011

# Msgs: 2
Latest: March 23, 2023
Help to learn igbo in exchange i'm fluent in italian and english..A little bit of spanish too
Hi, I'm Italian and i live in the US. My Boyfriend and i communicate in English but he is originary from nigeria and his native language is Igbo. I would like to surprise him and learn his language.. Anybody can help me?


Language pair: Italian; Igbo (Ibo)
Maya J.
May 8, 2011

# Msgs: 1

Re:Suche E-mail Partner aus Italien
Hallo Otto, hast du schon einen Partner aus Italien gefunden? Wenn nicht,koennen wir aneinander helfen. Ich heisse Carla und bin Italienerin. Ich hoffe, ich hoere etwas von dir.
Bis bald Carla

Language pair: German; Italian
carla j.
December 1, 2010

# Msgs: 2
Latest: December 1, 2010
Suche E-mail Partner aus Italien
Vorrei amigliorare il mio italiano,
kann Dir beim Erlernen der deutschen Sprache behilflich sein.

Language pair: German; Italian
Otto H.
November 3, 2010

# Msgs: 2
Latest: December 1, 2010
Look for someone who can help me to improve my english and italian
Ciao a tutti, sono marochina, sto imparando la lingua itaiana capisco quello che si dice ma non posso respondere, c'è qualcuno che puo ayutarme a practicarla ?

I look too for someone who can help me to improve my english

Je parle bien le français et l'arabe si jamais il y a quelqu'un qui veut apprendre ces langues.

Language pair: Italian; English
October 27, 2010

# Msgs: 1

Re:voglio imparare lo spagnolo
Ciao, sono spagnola e posso aiutarci con la traduzione, anche mi piacerebbe profitare il mio italiano.


Language pair: Italian; Spanish
Belen G.
October 8, 2010

# Msgs: 2
Latest: October 8, 2010
Looking to learn Italian, can help you learn English
Ciao mi chiami Kristen! Voglio imparare l'italiano e può aiutarvi a imparare l'inglese, grazie!

Language pair: Italian; English
September 15, 2010

# Msgs: 1

Re:ciao sono italiana/ Sardegna
Ciao mi chiami Kristen, SONO uno Studente ASU, parlo inglese e sto cercando di imparare l'italiano

Language pair: Italian; 
September 15, 2010

# Msgs: 2
Latest: September 15, 2010
ciao sono italiana/ Sardegna
Ciao c'è qualcuno di voi (femmine dai 17 ai 20 anni) che vuole imparare l'italiano e in cambio insegnare a me l'inglese??? attendo risposta grazie

Language pair: Italian; 
Stefania C.
September 12, 2010

# Msgs: 2
Latest: September 15, 2010
Re:is there anyone who can want to learn italian by e-mail ?
Yes, I want to learn Italian by email. Please help me to learn it as I don't even know ABC of Italian.

Language pair: Spanish; Italian
Rakesh Kumar S.
August 20, 2010

# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 20, 2010
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