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Category > Making Friends

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Re:willing to help and learn
Hi, maybe i can teach chinese if u like, r u willing to chat with me in english on msn or skype?

Language pair: English; German
January 27, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: January 27, 2007
Re:Wer gerade ein wenig unterrichten möchte mir des Deutschen?
I want to imporve my little heritage german..Im argentinian girl 24 year old, so I speak spanish, and I speak english. But I want to learn German, because of my job and because I want to visit my mother´s land. Im a fashion designer and right now Im studying aeronautics..so,shön dich kennen zu lernen!!!is that all right!? I hope so...aufwiedersehen!!!

Language pair: German; Spanish
gabriela r.
January 25, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: January 25, 2007
Hi Allan! My name´s gabriela Im 24 year old argentinian girl..and Im interested in improve my english and my little german. My heritage is german and I just know few words and phrases. Im a fashion designer and Im at Aeronautics University. So if you are interested in improve your spanish just write to me. bye.

Language pair: English; German
gabriela r.
January 25, 2007

# Msgs: 1

I want to improve my english and my little german
Ima 24 year old girl, and I want top improve my english and my little german. Im argentinian so my first lpanguage is spanish..so..I like aeronautics too much..and....here I am!see you!

Language pair: English; German
gabriela r.
January 25, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:Penpal from Ireland wanted:)!
my Name is Verner from denmark. i think i can learn you a littel Norwish, i dont speek it so good, but it is wery similar to danish, like English and irish, then you know what i meen.

im not a gold member, but we can speek over skype, there my name is ( sub-zi-ni-to )

Language pair: German; English
Verner D.
January 24, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Thanks Kim.
Dieses als Sie Kim ,

Wie geht's noch heute mein geehrte Bekannter , Hoffe ihrer Bußgeld , als mir dank Gott Ich bin Bußgeld. ICH wollt zu unterziehen dieses Gelegenheit zu danke als Schrift mir , Hoffe wir könnt behelfen zu erfahren beide unserer Programmiersprache. Ich bin beichten jene Ich habe gebraucht die Übersetzung Netz zu Hilfe anschreiben Sie aber mein Ziel ist zu sprichst es und schreiben es von außen die Übersetzer.

darf Gott sein mit Sie.

Grüße ,

Language pair: English; German
Winfrida J.
January 24, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Hey you!

My name is Kathi and I live in South Tyrol (North of Italy). I´m 17
I want to improve my English and my Italian. My birth language is German. So if someone is interestes to contact me just do it :-)
Greetings from South Tyrol

Language pair: German; English
January 22, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Re:Whose Australian want contact with Germany?
My name's Gisele, I'm a 17 year old Australian girl, and I'd be happy to tell you anything you want to know about Australia (well as much as I know, that is) :)
In turn, anything about life in Germany would be great. Unfortunately I'm learning french, not german, so a language exchange wouldn't be ideal, but still :)

Language pair: English; German
January 22, 2007

# Msgs: 1

willing to help and learn

My name is James and have been interested in languages most of my life. I currently communicate effectively in spanish, german and a little french. I am currently studying russian and mandarin. I welcome practice with any of these languages. my mandarin and russian are rather limmited. Since I am not a gold member, I will not be able to e-mail anyone. PLease contact me or leave me a message here. thanks.

Language pair: English; German
James T.
January 21, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: January 27, 2007
Re:Improve my english skills
Hi Frank, Ich bin Ash aus Pakistan, Ich will Deutsch sprechen and kann in English helfen.
Can we set a time to login to Yahoo or MSN where then you can find me in some (already agreed upon) chat room with second part of my ID(which is the same as my yahoo id). You can find that in my profile.

Language pair: German; English
Ash n.
January 15, 2007

# Msgs: 4
Latest: January 15, 2007
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