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Language > French
Category > Vocabulary/Translations

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hi I really dont know very much the swedish but here goes all I know:


Hej [hej] Hi
Hej då [hej då:] bye
God morgon [go:d *mårån] good morning
Tack [tak] thanks
Tack så mycket
[tak så: *myket] thank you very much

Varsågod [vaså:'go:d] welcome
Ja [ja:] yes
Nej [nej] No
[u:'säkta] excuse me/sorry
Förlåt [fö:r'lå:t] Im sorry
Bra [bra:] Bueno / good
Jag [ja:g] I /me
Du [du:] you
Han [han] he
Hon [hon] she
Den [den] it
Det [de:t] it (special cases)
Vi [vi:] we
Ni** [ni:] you(sing. Pl)
De [de:] / You (for women)

Numbers 0-10

noll [nål] 0
ett [et] 1
två [två:] 2
tre [tre:] 3
fyra [*fy:ra] 4
fem [fem] 5
sex [seks] 6
sju [su:] 7
åtta [*åta] 8
nio [*ni:o] 9
tio [*ti:o] 10

ok i hope it will help you
note: The phonetic part [] i dont know if its well (Im not really a english speaker, i speak spanish). bye!

Language pair: German; French
Enav A.
October 20, 2005

# Msgs: 1

salut !
je suis en train d'apprendre le francais, et il y a quelques questions je voudrais vous demander :)
est_ce qu'il y a des différences entre 2 phrases: "j'ai décidé" et "j'ai pris la décision"? car il y a quelques verbes on peut utiliser 2 expressions comme ca.
merci d'avance

Language pair: French; French
lan a.
October 18, 2005

# Msgs: 1

i need a korean and french penpal!
i am rei from the philippines, 21 years old. i need someone who can teach me korean or french. if you would help me, i can teach you tagalog/english, i am fluent in both. hope yo hear from you soon! ^_^

Language pair: Korean; French
rei c.
October 15, 2005

# Msgs: 1

I need to learn Hebrew!
Hi everybody,My name is Lael and i would like to learn how to speak,read and write in hebrew and italian.From my part you will learn french and english.Thank you for your help!


Language pair: French; English
Laetitia M.
September 28, 2005

# Msgs: 1

Re:Cómo se expresa sincero agradecimiento cuando se dice “gracias” y “de nada”?
Hello Rich,

You can say "thanks you" in spanish with more feel in the following way: "Te lo agradezco mucho" , " Gracias, eres muy amable"

You can say "you welcome" in spanish with more feel in the following way:" Fue un placer", " no hay problema", "encantado".

I hope this helps you.

Andres (from chile)

Language pair: English; French
Andres N.
September 22, 2005

# Msgs: 2
Latest: September 22, 2005
Re:Cómo se expresa sincero agradecimiento cuando se dice “gracias” y “de nada”?
Hello Rich,

You can say "thanks you" in spanish with more feel in the following way: "Te lo agradezco mucho" , " Gracias, eres muy amable"

You can say "you welcome" in spanish with more feel in the following way:" Fue un placer", " no hay problema", "encantado".

I hope this helps you.

Andres (from chile)

Language pair: English; French
Andres N.
September 22, 2005

# Msgs: 2
Latest: September 22, 2005
Please help me!!
I need some help with my French.
Can somebody tell me the English or Swedish word for platine laser, magnetophone and magnetoscope.
Thank you!
// Hannah

Language pair: French; English
September 19, 2005

# Msgs: 1

Please help me!!
I need some help with my French.
Can somebody tell me the English or Swedish word for platine laser, magnetophone and magnetoscope?
Thank you!
// Hannah

Language pair: French; English
September 19, 2005

# Msgs: 1

I want to learn
Hi everybody! I want to learn tibetan and I can teach you french.

Bonjoours tout le monde j'aimerai apprendre le tibétain, et je peux vous apprendre le français.

Language pair: French; Tibetan
September 7, 2005

# Msgs: 1


I'm desperately looking for someone who can help me to learn hindi. I CANNOT SAY THAT MY HINDI SPEAKING IS BASIC but i can say some sentences, some words but i would like to know the language deeply because i'm doing studies in translation in both ENGLISH AND FRENCH.
By the way, mera naam Hermine hai and i'm 24.


Language pair: French; English
September 2, 2005

# Msgs: 1

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