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Category > Vocabulary/Translations

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Re:I want to practice english with someone
Hola. Quiero practicar ingles contigo. ¿Puedes practicar español conmigo?

Language pair: English; French
samie k.
March 19, 2005

# Msgs: 3
Latest: March 19, 2005
Re:Names of colors
Finnish color names:

red = punainen
green = vihreä
blue = sininen
yellow = keltainen
violet = violetti
purple = purppura
orange = punakeltainen (also "oranssi")

light green = vaaleanvihreä
dark green = tummanvihreä
sky blue = taivaansininen
brown = ruskea

black = musta
grey = harmaa
white = valkoinen

Some of the color names end with "-nen".
These are typically derived from a noun,
as "punainen" coming from "puna"

Light and dark shades are formed with
prefixes "vaalean-" and "tumman-".

The list does not contain "pink", as
the various shades of pink have each its
own name in Finnish. The word
"vaaleanpunainen" means a mixture of
white and red without any blue or yellow
in it.

We do not have many color names special
to our language. The exact color names
like "navy blue", "turquoise", or
"emerald green" are called by direct
translations as "laivastonsininen",
"turkoosi", and "smaragdinvihreä".


Language pair: French; German
Juha-Petri T.
March 15, 2005

# Msgs: 1

Re:Help Wanted
Hi, I'm French and me I want to learn English. I live in Paris. If you want you can send me a message in french and I answer in english. I will tell you your mistakes and why and you will do the same for me. What do you think about this?
Take care

Language pair: English; French
February 23, 2005

# Msgs: 1

Hannah, here is the translation.

"Bien sûr, je ne veux pas te perdre. Je crois au destin aussi. Tu me manques tout simplement, et j'espère que je te reverrai bientôt."


Language pair: English; French
Marie P.
February 16, 2005

# Msgs: 1

17 male Looking to learn Italian 2
I'm a 17 male that lives all over the united states, I'd love to learn Itlaian and it is one of my life goals. I am looking for a Gold member to contact me and give me an e-mail address so that we can talk. I know this will narrow my search but I am looking for another guy to teach me...if you know what I mean...but please let me know...until then I will patiently be awaiting you. Ladies if you 2 want to teach me..that would be cool 2

Language pair: Italian; French
Vaughn G.
February 4, 2005

# Msgs: 1

Re:i hate this site!!!
I'm agreed with you. I spent a helf hour to fill the form requested and read the millions of policy; agreement... SIGN UP is FREE, but in the end.., we need to pay for contacting others.

Language pair: Chinese, Mandarin; French
January 10, 2005

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:Need help with translation
large = large in french. Gros = Big.

Language pair: English; French
Gaétan C.
September 24, 2004

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:Help needed translating a message about a book ordered from france
Le service de livraison utilise ne propose malheureusement pas de suivi des expeditions

The translations given here are correct, but confusing. A more proper translation might be "The chosen delivery method does not permit expedition tracking".

By expedition tracking I assume that the site means the ability to track the progress of the book as it is being delivered to you, eg. by using a DHL reference number and looking up the current status of your order as it is en route.

Unless of course there is some weird context here to do with expeditions!

Language pair: English; French
Kathryn C.
September 21, 2004

# Msgs: 1

Re:To Romanian speakers and O-Zone fans:)
the exact meaning would be "About you"-"Despre tine"
and "Love in the lime/linden tree"-"Dragostea din tei". i don't know the lyrics but if you want to send them to me i can translate them for you
take care

Language pair: English; French
September 17, 2004

# Msgs: 2
Latest: September 17, 2004
To Romanian speakers and O-Zone fans:)
Hey guys! Could someone please translate me the titles of O-Zone's worldwide hits "Dragostea din tei" and "Despre tine", cause it feels kind of strange to listen them all over again and not to know what they are about... :)
Salut! Quelqu'un pourrait me traduire les titres des tubes du groupe O-Zone "Dragostea din tei" et "Despre tine"? :)

Language pair: English; French
September 16, 2004

# Msgs: 2
Latest: September 17, 2004
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