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Est-ce qu'il y a quelqu'un qui puisse m'enseigner le malgache? Il ne se trouve pas sur "la liste" et c'est impossible de trouver un livre ou quelque chose pour l'apprendre! J'ai toujours eu beaucoup d'intérêt à cette langue et à ce pays.

Is there anyone there who could teach me Malagasy? It isn't on "the list" and it's impossible to find a book or anything to learn it! I've always been very interested in this language & country.

Gibt's jemand, der könnte mir Malagasy lehren? Es findet sich nicht auf "der Liste" und es ist unmöglish ein Buch oder so etw. zu finden, um es zu lernen! Ich habe immer viele Interesse an diese Sprache u. an dieses Land gehabt!

Hay alguien que podría enseñarme malagasy? No está en "la lista" y es imposible encontrar un libro o algo para aprenderlo! Siempre me interesaba muchísimo este idioma y país!

Language pair: English; French
June 1, 2003

# Msgs: 1

Re:Seeking help. English-Japanese translations.
Hello, I'm Izumi. I'm happy to help you with Japanese, but unfortunately I'm not a gold menber... If you are a gold menber you can chat or send email to me!! If you are not, ask me any questions in this board!!

Language pair: English; French
December 28, 2002

# Msgs: 3
Latest: January 6, 2003
Hi guys. Merry Christmas!!

I'd like to know the difference among those...
I need your hrlp!

1.a. Le carton fait 10 kg.
b. Son poids est de 10 kg.
2.a. Paul fait 1m80.
b. Paul a 1m80.
c. Paul a une grand de 1m80.
d. Paul est grand de 1m80.


Language pair: French; English
December 26, 2002

# Msgs: 1

Thank you for your explanation.
But I'd like you to translate it into English...
It is hard for me to understand all of it...

Language pair: French; English
December 5, 2002

# Msgs: 1

What's the difference??
1a...Sylvie a de jolis yeux.
1b...Sylvie est jolie des yeux.

2a...Sylvie a des jambes bien faites.
2b...Sylvie est bien faite des jambes.

Language pair: French; English
December 3, 2002

# Msgs: 1

hello Amandine,
In the sentence "C'est chaud.", the grammatical subject "C" has already known what it is. You need to know what it is from the context.
One person who is going to eat a dish which is just taken from a microwave can say "C'est chaud". (The speaker understand "C"is the dish from a context.

*In the spoken language, "c'est chaud" is popular way of saying among young people."en general that implies a risk notion."(i didn't understand this.....)Now in the spoken language among young people, "c'set chaud" can explain almost the same..........Toujours dans la la langue parlee par les jeunes "c'est chaud" peut egalement designer quelque chose pour decrire une situation a connotation erotique.( i didn't understand this either.)

Language pair: French; English
November 29, 2002

# Msgs: 1

hello Amandine,
Thank you for your explanations.
You wrote all in French!! It takes a lot of time for me to understand!! (those are good practices, tho) I transrated into English, but I still don't understand some of the sentences. And I'm wondering whether I am correct. So could you check my transration?

When you are in any environment climatic conditions (outside/inside), you can't use "Il fait chaud".................(you wrote CAN'T, didn't you? I don't understand what you mean.... unless it is CAN instead of CAN'T)
1)in Sahara, il fait chaud.(here, it means one general truth. it is told by a speaker who is outside.
2)in the souna, it fait chaud.(here, it means one general truth. it is told by a speaker who is inside. it explains one characteristic of the place)
3)today, how hot it is!(here, it explains the place where the speaker exist now.

Language pair: French; English
November 29, 2002

# Msgs: 1

"il fait chaud" et "c'est chaud"
Thank you guys!!

I wanted to ask you the difference between "il fait chaud" and "c'est chaud" when you talk about the weather!

Are there any differences?!

I'm waiting for your reply.

Language pair: English; French
November 28, 2002

# Msgs: 1

One more!!!!!!!!
Thank you guys... :-))))) Let me ask you one more question.

What's the difference between
"il fait chaud." and " c'est chaud"
I know it's almost the same, but I want to know the small differences between them for my graduation thesis....

I'll be glad if you give me some examples...

(^o^)/ thenk you.


Language pair: French; English
November 26, 2002

# Msgs: 1

One more!!!!!!!!
Thank you guys... :-))))) Let me ask you one more question.

What's the difference between
"il fait chaud." and " c'est chaud"
I know it's almost the same, but I want to know the small differences between them for my graduation thesis....

I'll be glad if you give me some examples...

(^o^)/ thank you.


Language pair: French; English
November 26, 2002

# Msgs: 1

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