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Language > French
Category > Books/Literature

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salut heremine
je suis tres contente de savoir que tu as lu le mahabharata . c est une epopee tres sacree de l inde . on tire des morales de l histoire de mahabharata dans notre vie quotidienne , j aimerais bien communiquer avec vous afin de te faire connaitre la culture indienne dont j ai fiere .

( mais je n ai pas gold membership)

a tres bientot

Language pair: French; English
muskaan 2.
October 8, 2005

# Msgs: 2
Latest: October 8, 2005

I'm a 24 years old girl from Africa. I'm so fond of India. Is there any native speaker of hindi with whom i can have discussions about indian literature in order to learn that beautiful language?
I have read The Mahabharatha and it's a story full of wiseness and teachings. Well it deserves the title of "The Greatest Story of Humanity".
If there's anybody who can answer i'll be thankful and be pleased to exchange with the person and help him or her or even them in French and English


Language pair: French; English
September 5, 2005

# Msgs: 2
Latest: October 8, 2005
Re:Good Books and etc.
By the way--have you seen where they're comeing out with a movie of Hitchhiker's guide? It looks like it should be pretty good.



Language pair: English; French
Mark S.
April 23, 2005

# Msgs: 2
Latest: April 23, 2005
Re:French Literature!
je m'appelle Paul, je suis pére de famille,marié, 53 ans, et j'ai 5 enfants dont certains ont ton âge.
Je vais te proposer bientôt, si tu le souhaites,quelques livres qui pourront t'intéresser , notamment sur le terroir ( la campagne) du sud ouest ou du sud est de la France, plein d'humanité, simples dans le style.
Au revoir et à bientôt.

Language pair: French; English
February 16, 2005

# Msgs: 2
Latest: February 16, 2005
Re:Re:I love Louise Labé!

Early French feminist, would anyone object if I said that ? Labe had a very liberal father for the times that were in it who believed that women should have the right to access education. Labe's poetry from what I have been able to read is much concerned with love but quite analytical and observational. I enjoy it too, but the French is slightly archaic, stemming as it does from the 16th century. Hope this helps, but I am no expert !

Language pair: English; French
S M.
January 25, 2005

# Msgs: 1

I'd like to learn French using the aid of Audio magazines e.g. the Champs Elysees magazines - trouble is tbey are v expensive....anyone out there have any unwanted past editions?

Language pair: French; All
Jerry G.
October 12, 2004

# Msgs: 1

Re:Are there any Fantasy Lovers out there??
I've never heard of either of those authors, I'll have to look into them! I really love fantasy, though. Have you ever read 'A Great and Terrible Beauty' by Libba Bray?

Language pair: English; French
Heather S.
July 1, 2004

# Msgs: 1

I am also kind of addicted to books. I mostly read classics, and right now I'm reading "Villette" by Charlotte Brontë. If anyone would like to talk about books and other things with me, please contact me.

Language pair: English; French
April 13, 2003

# Msgs: 5
Latest: June 4, 2004
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