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Language > Turkish
Category > Vocabulary/Translations

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Request of help for English and offer of help for Turkish
Greets to all from Istanbul (Konstantinople?Welcome:) )! I am 25 years old and I want to improve and enrich my real-life English via e-mail correspondence or text chat.To add, I can teach (well...at least try )to teach Turkish to foreigner ladies...

Language pair: English; Turkish
Mehmet Gürkan G.
August 28, 2005

# Msgs: 1

Good night in Turkish: "iyi geceler"
Bilyorum (I know)!

Goodnight: iyi geceler (ee-yee gejeler)

Mark Springer
Sacramento, CA USA

Language pair: Turkish; English
Mark S.
May 16, 2005

# Msgs: 3
Latest: June 2, 2006
I need help with TURKISH language!!
Hi all!
My name's Anita. I'm a native SPANISH speaker from South America who started learning turkish last year. I'd like to contact some NATIVE turkish speakers, males or females, who can help me to improve my still poor turkish , I also can help you if you are studying spanish which is my mother tongue.
I'm not a gold member so I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

Language pair: Turkish; English
April 28, 2005

# Msgs: 1

I can translate texts from spanish into english if you need help!
Hi all, I'm from Chile and would love to help you if you need some translations from spanish into english... Just let me know what you want me to translate for you!
Post your message here, Greetings !

Language pair: Turkish; English
February 13, 2005

# Msgs: 1

Re:What these words are called in turkish?
Bus - Otobüs
Banana - Muz
Man - Adam (man)Erkek(male)
Woman - Kadýn
Child - Çocuk
colour - Renk
place - Yer
love - Aþk, Sevgi
food - Yemek

Language pair: Turkish; All
February 26, 2004

# Msgs: 1

Re:How do I say
italian: come vai?
spanish: cómo estás?

Language pair: Turkish; English
american version
January 23, 2004

# Msgs: 3
Latest: September 1, 2014
Re:could someone translate please
You can't find the meanings of the words because who wrote this has an awful Turkish. Well,i'll both correct and translate:

seni ne kadar sevdigimi bilemezsin, sense beni kirdin, sen beni sevmiyorsun, beni cok kirdin, ama cok yanlis yaptin, beni kirdigin icin cok tesekur ederim, senin kizin benden daha cok degerli, ama bunu ogrendigim cok iyi oldu. beni cabuk unuttun. seninki(askin?) bu kadardi.

"you can't know how i loved you, but u broke my heart, u dont love me, you broke my heart too much, u did much wrong to me, i thank u for breaking my heart, your daughter is more precious than me, nice to learn that. you forgot me so quickly. yours(your love?)is no more than that."

Language pair: English; Turkish
December 30, 2003

# Msgs: 1

Re:could someone please tell me how 2 write
it is snowing and very cold = Kar yaðýyor ve hava çok soðuk.

i will call you tonight= Seni bu gece arayacaðým.

i will call you tomorrow= Seni yarýn arayacaðým.

i will call you on saturday= Seni cumartesi günü arayacaðým.

i will call you on sunday= seni pazar günü arayacaðým.*

*Turkish in general read as it is written. However future tense suffixes (-ecek, -acak) are exceptional. While typing; type them as i wrote, while pronouncing; say "ariycam".

Good luck

Language pair: English; Turkish
December 17, 2003

# Msgs: 1

Re:help to learn turkish
Hello Tracey !!
I'm native speaker in Turkish and in Kurdish.if you want to learn either in Turkis or in Kurdish.I would like to help you with both of these laguages.
Ps. I'm not a gold member.

Language pair: English; Turkish
M. O.
November 25, 2003

# Msgs: 1

can someone translate this for me please?
beyazýn ortasýnda neredeyse silinmiþ kimi çizgiler seçti

I understand at the moment : "in the middle of the white he spotted ..." but the rest of this sentence I'm unable to translate.

Any help is appreciated.

Language pair: Turkish; English
October 4, 2003

# Msgs: 1

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