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Re:Native English speaker looking to exchange with native Spanish speaker...
Hi Norbert. I'm Ruben. 35 years old. I live in Mexico and sure I can help you.

Asi que ... por donde empezamos amigo?

Language pair: English; Spanish
Alexandro R.
March 22, 2006

# Msgs: 5
Latest: April 14, 2006
Looking for a French speaking person
Hello my name is Paulina and I am 18 years old. I speak English very fluently and I am in the process of learning French. I am willing to practice with anyone interested.

Salut! Je m'appelle Paulina et j'ai dix-huit ans. Je parle anglais et je est en train de apprendre francais. Je vuex pratiquer avec n'importe qui.

Language pair: English; French
Paulina J.
March 21, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Native English speaker looking to exchange with native Spanish speaker...
Hi, I would like to improve my Spanish. I know the very basics, and I need to know more for business and for personal reasons. I can help you learn English. Ideally, I would like to do voice chat (voip) as I think acually speaking Spanish would best help me.
I am open to starting off with email/IM chat.

Language pair: English; Spanish
March 21, 2006

# Msgs: 5
Latest: April 14, 2006
Looking for language exchange in Italian and English
Hi all of you!

I want to improve my English and my Italian. I am looking forward to your mails and I would be glad to teach you some German! I am from Germany (Stuttgart), 22 years and studying economics at university...

Hope to hear of you soon!

Language pair: English; Italian
Stephanie M.
March 20, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Eesti keelt
Hei, I'm new to all this. I need help with Eesti keelt. Any takers?


Language pair: English; Estonian
Alan M.
March 19, 2006

# Msgs: 1

I'm a Japanese-English translator.
I'm looking for someone who likes reading or writing in English or Japanese.Please contact me!

Language pair: Japanese; English
March 17, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Do you want to practice Spanish? Are you a English native speaker
I am willing to teach you if you want to learn or improve your Spanish. I am improving my English. Don´t matter your age, sex or location. I am not a gold member, but you can find me on ya_*oo I am aangel6907 or the same user name in hot_* mail.

I hope to meet you soon...thanks.

Language pair: Spanish; English
Angel P.
March 16, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Hey Cass, glad to help you with English but what are you offering in return?!

cheers Virat

Language pair: English; Danish
March 15, 2006

# Msgs: 2
Latest: March 15, 2006
Calling all language lovers
Hey you all language lovers. I am a 34 year old guy from India. Proficient in Hindi and English, look forward to chat with anyone intersted in learning either of these. In return what do I ask? You teach me your language :) I am open to Danish, Norwegian, French, German, Italian and Spanish. So if you are all set to explore the mystery that is India - drop me a line.

cheers Virat

Language pair: English; Danish
March 15, 2006

# Msgs: 1

my english or french for your german
hi all,
my name is Paulyne, am 30 yrs old and I'm hoping to meet someone interested in exchanging German(am taking at-home lessons) for my english, french,or even swahili,I come from Kenya.
hoping to hear from you soon

Language pair: English; German
Paulyne S.
March 14, 2006

# Msgs: 1

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