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Language > French
Category > Films/Movies

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tim burton, anybody?
konnichiwa! bonjour!

i am a huge fan of tim burton....i was wondering if anyone here has seen 'charlie and the chocolate factory' yet, and how you liked it or didn't like it.

Language pair: Japanese; French
mariah g.
July 22, 2005

# Msgs: 6
Latest: April 17, 2012
Re:alguien con quien escrbir en ingles y frances

Creo que podemos cambiar las linguas. Hablo inglés y frances, aprendo español ahora.

Ojala hasta luego,


Language pair: English; French
leebenseng Y.
June 21, 2005

# Msgs: 1

Re:great bollywood
hey Myriam,:) thanks for watching bollywood movies,being an Indian I really appreciate your gesture of learning hindi and learning it so well that you can follow even movies,:)Kal ho na ho was funny and sad both,very easy going movie,loved that movie,I'm also not a gold member,lol,take care of yourself and if you have something to say may be you can use bulletin board again,hats off to those people who are not indian and still learning hindi,my love and respect for them,:)

Language pair: French; Hindi
May 29, 2005

# Msgs: 2
Latest: July 31, 2005
Hi Jaya:

I will be glad to get you started with you Hindi. I am from the US but at present I am in Pondicherry, India. Here I am trying to learn French with Alliance Francaise. I was wondering if you know any French.



Language pair: English; French
April 26, 2005

# Msgs: 1

Re:the monty python's
Hi Antoine!
Est-ce-que tu as vu les films ''Life of Brian'' ou ''Holy Grail'' de Monty Python? Parce que je pense que ces sont les plus amusants de tous les films Monty Python!
Ju suis une fille anglaise et j'aime Monty Python, surtout John Cleese qui je pense est vraiment drôle!
bye, Fiona :)

Language pair: English; French
February 9, 2005

# Msgs: 1

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