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Re:wana learn italiano and teach someone Turkish
hello! i'm sorry, i can't teach you italian but i need your help :) what's "tabi tabi ayni sevgiyi bende sana besliyorum ne diyim artik bu dakikadan sonra"? and what means "küçücÜk bir toz tanesini bir mücevher sanmisim"? tesekkürler!! ciao!!
Language pair: Italian; Turkish
October 29, 2006
# Msgs: 1
Hey, i speak very pefect italian and german (i'm an italian girl who live in german! i can teach you, if you want!!!
many greetings Sunny
Language pair: German; Italian
October 29, 2006
# Msgs: 6
Latest: December 7, 2006
Terve, voisitteko Te auttaa minua????????
Anteeksi, mutta minä en puhu suomea!!
But anybody can help to learn it!!! Please, it is very important! I can teach you German if it is in your interest! Writes to me if Somebody wants to help me to learn Finnish! Many greetings
Language pair: German; Italian
October 28, 2006
# Msgs: 1
Greta W.
September 14, 2006
# Msgs: 2
Latest: September 14, 2006
what's the meaning of the expression: brand new?
Help from a native English what does the expression "brand new" mean?I heard it a lot of times in some songs...I guess it's a kind of "wonderful".Is it? thanks x answering
Language pair: English; Italian
September 14, 2006
# Msgs: 2
Latest: September 14, 2006
what does "life goes on bra" mean?
help from a native speaker! what does this expression mean?I heard it in a song by my favourite group:the Beatles!!
Language pair: English; Italian
August 16, 2006
# Msgs: 1
Re:Help translating Italian spice can labels: Seasoning for grilling
Hi, guy I'm an Italian fluent speaker.Your translation is very good(is it copied ?)... Only some errors of writing:"consiglia" and the words at the beginning are not divided, I mean they aren't written with the right spaces.If you're interested to Italian-English exchange..I'm just looking for partners...not a GM,too.
Language pair: Italian; English
August 9, 2006
# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 9, 2006
Help translating Italian spice can labels: Seasoning for grilling
Here is the second of the two spice labels I am translating from the Italian. Once again, any corrections from fluent Italian-speakers will be very much appreciated. Thank you!
Italian / English Giusti Aromi per Grigliate / Fresh- essences for grilling
La Cucina Facile e Buona di Dody Giusti Aromi per Grigliate Consiglio questi “Giusti Aromi” per salare ed insaporire carne e pesce ala griglia. Ottimi anche per spiedini ed arrosti girati. / Dody’s easy and excellent kitchen -- Fresh essences for grilling I recommend these fresh essences for salting and seasoning grilled meat and fish. Ideal also for kebabs and spitted roasts.
Ingredienti: Sale, Prezzemolo, Rosmarino, Dragoncello, Finocchio, Pepe nero, Aglio, Antiagglomerante: carbonato di calcio (nel sale). / Ingredients: Salt, parsley, rosemary:, tarragon, fennel, black pepper, garlic, anticaking agent: carbonate of calcium (in the salt).
Igiustiaromi devonoessere usati al posto del normale sale da cuciina. Son una miscela di sale superiore da tavola e pure erbe aromatiche macinate finemente che gli conferiscono il colore e il sapore caratteristico. Si consuiglia di tenere in luogo asciutto e di rimuovere il prodotto prima dell’uso. da consumarsi pref. entro il 1996 / Giusti Aromi can be used in place of normal kitchen salt. It is a mixture of premium quality table salt and finely ground pure aromatic herbs that give it its characteristic color and flavor. Keep in a dry place and remove the product before use. (??)
Best if used by 1996 Confezionato da: Drogheria & Alimentari Manufactured by: Drogheria & Alimentari Stabilimento in Prato (FI) via fonda di mezzana 15 Manufactured in Prato (FI) via fonda di mezzana 15 Peso netto: 90g Net Weight: 90g
Language pair: Italian; English
Mark S.
July 24, 2006
# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 9, 2006
Help translating labels on a spice can: Sapori Per la Pasta
I don't speak Italian, but I tried translating the following label off of a can of Italian seasonings for my girlfriend. My knowlege of Spanish grammar was helpful, but I wanted to run it past any Italian speakers who cared to check my work. Thanks! (Original and translation follow)
Italian / English Sapori per la Pasta / Sapori for Pasta La Cucina Facile e Buona di Dody -- Spaghetti dell’ortolano Dody’s easy and excellent kitchen -- Grocer’s Spaghetti
Preparare in una terrina, per ogni 100 g di spaghetti, 1 cucchiaino de “Sapori” e 2 cucchiai di olio extra vergine di oliva. Aggiungete gli spaghetti ben scolati e servire con una passata de pepe “4 Stagioni” Queen Victoria. Dody Chiurt Fagnoni / Prepare in a tureen: for every 100 g of spaghetti, 1 teaspoon de "Sapori" and 2 (table?)spoons extra virgin olive oil. Add spaghetti, drain well, and serve with a (dash?) of Queen Victoria “4 Seasons” pepper ". Dody Chiurt Fagnoni
Miscela di Erbe Aromatiche e spezie: per condire spaghetti, penne e farfalle. Ottimi anche su formaggi e pomodori crudi. / Mixture of Aromatic herbs and spices: for seasoned spaghetti, penne and bowtie pastas. Also ideal on raw cheeses and tomatoes.
Ingredienti: Sale, Destrosio, Prezzemolo, Basilico, Origano, Aglio, Maggiorana Paprika dolce, Aromi naturali. / Ingredients: salt, dextrose, parsley, basil, oregano, garlic, marjoram, sweet paprika, natural essences.
da consumarsi pref. entro il 1996 / Use by 1996
Confezionato da: Drogheria & Alimentari / Manufactured by: Drogheria & Alimentari
Stabilimento in Prato (FI) via fonda di mezzana 15 / Manufactured in Prato (FI) via fonda di mezzana 15
Peso netto: 45g / Net Weight: 45g
Language pair: Italian; English
Mark S.
July 24, 2006
# Msgs: 1
I'd love to learn Swedish. Who can help me?
Mi piacerebbe moltissimo imparare lo svedese. Sono italiana, e parlo anche inglese e francese. C'e' qualcuno che mi puo' aiutare? J'aimerais beaucoup apprendre le suedois. Je suis italienne, mais je peux vous aider avec le francais et l'anglais aussi. Est-ce qu'il y a quelqu'un qui peut m'aider? If you need help with english, french or italian I can be useful. All I want (and I want it very badly)are swedish lessons.
Language pair: Italian; Swedish
July 17, 2006
# Msgs: 1