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Category > Cooking and Recipes

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Genuine ITALIAN PIZZA recipes wanted
I am just starting my own Pizza shop and need some Genuine Italian Pizza recipes to add to my menu. Please ask your mum's for all of your favourite Pizza recipes.

Language pair: English; Italian
Mike C.
May 18, 2003

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:Recipes from around the world.
What kind of recipes are you looking for?

Language pair: English; All
April 27, 2003

# Msgs: 2
Latest: April 27, 2003
Hi all! I am a chef, classically trained in French, Italian, and Asian cuisine.
I would like to exchange recipes. I will also give suggestions on spicy up meals and presentations. I also know a fair amount about wines and beverage pairing. So just post away.

Language pair: English; Italian
Barry Y.
February 12, 2003

# Msgs: 1

Recipes from around the world.
I am interested in any recipe from any country. To me, learning about the food and culture of someone that comes from a different background can be important as well as the language that is spoken. I like to learn about those different foods that people eat.

Language pair: English; All
January 21, 2003

# Msgs: 2
Latest: April 27, 2003
Re:Japanese cooking style
I love to cook. I live in the US and I can cook quite a few dishes, especially the ones that we had eaten when we were kids. Some were simple dishes but those can be the best.

Language pair: English; Italian
January 21, 2003

# Msgs: 3
Latest: November 22, 2008
Haloween Party
Hi everybody,
this year we plan to have a halloween party. As this is not really common here in Germany, i would be glad to get some informations about it ´(like recipes, decorations etc) thanx for your help Ulrike

Language pair: German; English
October 1, 2002

# Msgs: 1

Re:Japanese cooking style
Hi I´m from germany.
I would be glad to tell you about german food (or also about food, which is eaten in Germany like pizza etc.)

Language pair: German; English
July 30, 2002

# Msgs: 3
Latest: November 22, 2008
Anyong hasaeyo,
Nanun chokum hangukmal haseyo (haeyo?). Hangukmal konbu heyo. Kimchi nomu joayo! And I like cooking! I would like to learn more about Korean cuisine: I can make doen-jang chigae, kim-bap, and... that's about it. Very curious about anything Korean, from food to music to culture and language. Write to me!

Language pair: English; Korean
October 20, 2000

# Msgs: 1

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