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Joy n.
October 31, 2006
# Msgs: 1
language will be fun learning it with you guys.
hi im a filipina girl who loves to be all over the world,and try different cuisine experience cultures in different places most of all learning language. english is my 2nd dialect i il like to learn and teach at the same timeso i hope there would be someone who iswilling to exert effort on teaching me. see yeah just reply to my msg
Language pair: French; Arabic, Middle Eastern
karen antoniette p.
October 17, 2006
# Msgs: 1
hi alllll
hi guys: My Name Is Ramy I am 17 Yeras Old Im From Egypt I want 2 Improve My English Lang And Learn Chinese,Mandarin Lang Coz I Need It In My College I will Be Glad 2 Teach Arabic 2 anyone Greetings Ramy Qamar
Language pair: Arabic, Egyptian; Arabic, Middle Eastern
Ramy Q.
September 30, 2006
# Msgs: 1
from Italy
Hi everybody, I'm a young man from Italy. I actually selected one language pair, but apart from Arabic it could also be any of English, French, Spanish in exchange for my mother tongue Italian. I should also need to brush up my rather rusty German... However on the whole I decided on Arabic as a first choice because I'm going to Lebanon this summer. I hope someone will be interested in talking with me over Skype or MSN Messenger. Andrea
Language pair: Arabic, Middle Eastern; Italian
Andrea L.
May 22, 2006
# Msgs: 1
Re:how do you say LOVE in arabic
i donno if u can read arabic, the LOVE word in arabic is "Hub/ÍõÈ" and note that u pronounce the vowel u as in "flu" in english.
note that the word can change depending on the level of love, this is the order: "hub"(u love that person) "hawa"(u try to do like him) "mawadah"(u want to be near him) "sababah"(u can only think about him) "walah" (his love going to make u crazy, specially if he dont love u) "heyam" (u lost ur mind, u dont mind dying for him) "taytem" (u are no longer yourself, u become badly sick unless u see him, there some stories about ppl who died after this)
sorry for bad eng.
Language pair: Arabic, Middle Eastern; English
Ahmad B.
March 29, 2006
# Msgs: 1