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Re:Moshi moshi
Hi, I'm Izumi. Japanese, but not gold member... sorry. If you have any questions about Japanese, don't hesitate to ask me!!! I'm glad to help you!! Oh, just a thing. We use "moshi moshi" only on the phone!!! That means "hello", but we don't use it when we are on the street. (^o-)v
Language pair: English; Japanese
January 7, 2003
# Msgs: 1
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Seeking help. English-Japanese translations.
hitofuro! how did you get this word?! that's a kind of funny. why is it funny? hmm... it is difficult to explain actually. it sounds a bit rough, that's why not so many people use. maybe old men use this word. girls never use it.
"hitofuro" means "a bath". "hitofuro abiru" means "take a bath". "furo" means "bath" "ofuro" means "bath" in polite japanese.
"furoya" means "a public bath". do you have a public bath in the states?! hmm... i don't think so. it's a kind of place where people can take a bath. it has a huge bath-tub. and people take a bath together. japanese went there long time ago, because not so many people have bathroom in their house at that time.
we have a lot of "onsen" in japan. "onsen" means "hot spring" in english. it's almost like "furoya". people also can take a bath together. it is very good for your health.
Language pair: English; Japanese
January 6, 2003
# Msgs: 3
Latest: January 6, 2003
Re:How to Speak Japanese
Hi I'm Izumi, native Japanese. I saw your message. I'd love to help you with Japanese, but unfortunately I'm not a gold member either. So if you have any questions, ask me in this board, so that I can explain you. Anyway, a happy new year!!
Language pair: English; Japanese
December 31, 2002
# Msgs: 1
Re:Re:Re:Seeking help. English-Japanese translations.
If a gold member send me an email or pick up me in the text chat, I can contact with him/her. But, unfortunately, we both are not gold members... So, I think all we can do is to use this board. I can answer some of your questions! Good luck for your Japanese!! Anyway a happy new year!!
Language pair: English; Japanese
December 31, 2002
# Msgs: 3
Latest: January 6, 2003
hi ,
i send u the correction soledewa mata a girlfriend
1A....Il y a une table pres de la fenetre dans cette salle. 1B....Cette salle a une table pres de la fenetre. 1C....Une table est pres de la fenetre dans cette salle. :correct
2A....Cette voiture est a Christian.:correct 2B....Christian a assez d'argent.:correct 2C....Assez d'argent est a Christian.not correct
3A...Paul a assez d'argent.correct 3B...Il y a assez d'argent de Paul.not correct 3C...Paul a assez de provisions.correct 3D...Il y a assez de provisions de Paul.not correct
Language pair: Japanese; English
kdo_j k.
December 4, 2002
# Msgs: 4
Latest: December 4, 2002
bonjour, je suis pas sur de moi mais: 2c pas françai‚“ 3b et 3c (enfin surtour la b) on dira ça peut être à l'oral, dans un contexte particulier
Language pair: Japanese; English
November 22, 2002
# Msgs: 4
Latest: December 4, 2002
well, now i have some questions about french.
1A....Il y a une table pres de la fenetre dans cette salle.
1B....Cette salle a une table pres de la fenetre.
1C....Une table est pres de la fenetre dans cette salle.
2A....Cette voiture est a Christian. 2B....Christian a assez d'argent. 2C....Assez d'argent est a Christian.
3A...Paul a assez d'argent.
3B...Il y a assez d'argent de Paul.
3C...Paul a assez de provisions.
3D...Il y a assez de provisions de Paul.
i hope you won't get angry. this is a kind of research of linguistics. i'm going to find out the difference among them with your answer. this is my graduation thesis....
In those questions if you feel some sentences are not good as French or you don't use them, please mention it. And if they are correct. Could you tell me the difference of their image?
a bientot!
Language pair: Japanese; English
November 22, 2002
# Msgs: 4
Latest: December 4, 2002
Please help me translate into Japanese
Can someone help me translate this into Japanese (preferably someone with a sense of poetry): " When I hear your voice, my heart dances in ecstasy" Doomo arigatoo gozaimasu
Language pair: English; Japanese
Michael R.
September 17, 2002
# Msgs: 1