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Category > Vocabulary/Translations

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I need your help in teaching German language
HEllo everyone,I want to learn German language in exchange with Arabic for whom are interested.Please message me back if you like

Language pair: Arabic, Middle Eastern; English
November 7, 2020

# Msgs: 1

I need your help in teaching German language for begginers
Hello everyone ,
I need your help in learning German language from a native German speaker.In return I can teach him or her Arabic language . Please do not hesitate to write to me .

Language pair: Arabic, Middle Eastern; English
October 31, 2020

# Msgs: 1

Hi Jen I can help you with English and you help me with Spanish. Thank you.

Language pair: Spanish; English
October 30, 2020

# Msgs: 6
Latest: November 9, 2020
Re: Translation in Icelandic or Old Norse
Hi Freyja,

regarding the sentence “You are our family”, does “you” refer to one person, two persons, or more than two persons? (The number of people being addressed will determine how to translate the pronoun into Old Norse and Icelandic.) Given the content of the sentence, I presume that when there is a choice, you would prefer an informal pronoun to a formal pronoun?

The word “family” has more than one meaning. If “you” refers to one person, then would you say that “family” means “relative”? If “you” refers to more than one person, then “family” could mean “immediate family” (e.g. “nuclear family”), or “extended family” (like “kin”), or “close-knit group of people” (e.g. “corporate family”). Which sense of “family” do you mean?

Language pair: English; Icelandic
October 16, 2020

# Msgs: 2
Latest: October 16, 2020
Translation in Icelandic or Old Norse
How do you say "You are our family in Old Norse or Icelandic?

Language pair: English; Icelandic
Freyja C.
October 14, 2020

# Msgs: 2
Latest: October 16, 2020
Hello Isha,
I'm rohan and I'm practicing german
If you want to practice with me online please send me email or you can also add me on insta is my username

Language pair: German; English
Rohan K.
October 8, 2020

# Msgs: 3
Latest: October 8, 2020
Hello there,

Kyrgyz has two past tenses that could be used to ask your question — the recent past and the distant past. It also has separate polite and familiar second-person pronouns. A polite pronoun would be used when speaking to someone whom you’ve just met, or to an older relative such as a grandparent; a familiar pronoun would be used when speaking to a pet, and would generally be used when speaking to a sibling or a close friend.

Thus, there are four basic variations on how to translate the question “What did you do?” into Kyrgyz:

• Эмне кылдыңыз? (recent past, affixed polite singular second-person pronoun)
• Эмне кылдың? (recent past, affixed familiar singular second-person pronoun)
• Эмне кылгансыз? (distant past, affixed polite singular second-person pronoun)
• Эмне кылгансың? (distant past, affixed familiar singular second-person pronoun)

Note that the distant past versions might be better translated as “What have you done?”.

Language pair: English; Kyrgyz (Kara-Kirgiz, Kirghiz, Kirgiz)
October 5, 2020

# Msgs: 2
Latest: October 5, 2020
Re:Re:Españo - Inglés
Hola! Puedo ayudarte con tu español, soy nativa. Yo necesito ayuda con mi inglés ya que es muy básico y necesito poder hablarlo bien.

Language pair: Spanish; English
Jen P.
September 29, 2020

# Msgs: 6
Latest: November 9, 2020
Second person pronouns in Kyrgyz- "You"

I am a student in the USA studying Kyrgyz in a class and I was wondering if anyone could translate these for me-

"What did you do?"- when talking to a sibling
"What did you do?"- when talking to someone you just met
"What did you do?"- when talking to an older relative (like a grandparent)
"What did you do?"- when talking to a pet
"What did you do?"- when talking to a close friend


Language pair: English; Kyrgyz (Kara-Kirgiz, Kirghiz, Kirgiz)
A T.
September 25, 2020

# Msgs: 2
Latest: October 5, 2020
Gracias, me puedes ayudar con mi espanol. Sera muy bien si puedes mesajerme

Language pair: English; Spanish
September 22, 2020

# Msgs: 2
Latest: September 22, 2020
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