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Language > Swahili
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Re:Learn swahili
YES! I am most anxious to learn more Swahili. I have a very basic knowledge of it, having taken a beginning class in a jr. college in my area. I am returning next summer to Kenya . . .the Rift Valley area . . .and want to be able to simply converse with my "family" there.


Language pair: English; Swahili
Jepkemboi R.
July 23, 2008

# Msgs: 3
Latest: July 23, 2008
I traveled to Kenya several years ago and participated in a missions project providing eyecare to several villages in the Rift Valley. I fell in love with the country, but mostly the people. I am hoping to go back in the summer of 2009. In the meantime, I would like to perfect the limited Swahili I do know. I took a beginning Swahili class at a local jr. college, but since that time, the instructor has passed away and there are no other classes/instructors in my area . . . there's not a big demand for Swahili in California!

I am most anxious to learn and practice the basics. They people I will visit are not scholarly, yet I want to be able to converse with so many of them in home vists and the like. Can anyone help??

Language pair: English; Swahili
Jepkemboi R.
July 23, 2008

# Msgs: 1

I traveled to Kenya several years ago and participated in a missions project providing eyecare to several villages in the Rift Valley. I fell in love with the country, but mostly the people. I am hoping to go back in the summer of 2009. In the meantime, I would like to perfect the limited Swahili I do know. I took a beginning Swahili class at a local jr. college, but since that time, the instructor has passed away and there are no other classes/instructors in my area . . . there's not a big demand for Swahili in California!

I am most anxious to learn and practice the basics. They people I will visit are not scholarly, yet I want to be able to converse with so many of them in home vists and the like. Can anyone help??

Language pair: English; Swahili
Jepkemboi R.
July 23, 2008

# Msgs: 1

am shi from nairobi,kenya.i can teach you swahili.

Language pair: Dutch; Swahili
shi m.
May 24, 2008

# Msgs: 3
Latest: March 29, 2011
I'm Evi and I live in Belgium.
I would like to learn Swahili or just meet people who speak it...
I'd also like to help others to learn languages,
I can speak dutch, english and french, and a little bit of german.
If you want to contact me please do because I can't, I'm just a regular member.
xxx Evi

Language pair: Dutch; Swahili
February 25, 2008

# Msgs: 3
Latest: March 29, 2011
Re:Looking for someone to help me learn Spanish, Italian & Swahili for future mission trips ...
Christie did you ever find someone who spoke Swahili? I am trying to get a translation and was curious.

Language pair: Spanish; Swahili
baby g.
October 14, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: October 14, 2007
hello, i am 25 and am fluent in english. i speak a small amount of spanish and i am looking to learn SWAHILI! Thank you so much can't wait to hear from you! GOOD DAY

Language pair: English; Swahili
jai h.
October 1, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Looking for someone to help me learn Spanish, Italian & Swahili for future mission trips ...
Looking for someone to help me learn conversational Spanish, Italian and Swahili for futue mission trips with my church. I am a 38 year old female located in the USA. Can exchange for English if need be :D Hope to hear from some of you soon ... I am not a gold member so please contact me if you are ... or contact me through the bulletin :)

Language pair: Spanish; Swahili
September 13, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: October 14, 2007
Re:eager to learn swahili with any swahili speaker from east africa
nice to meet
i dont know the swahili,but can we make friends?
we cannot conact by emails .

Language pair: Swahili; French
natalie y.
August 31, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 31, 2007
eager to learn swahili with any swahili speaker from east africa
i promised myself and my friends to speak ki-swahili within a year. am a quick learner and think a year is a reasonable time! so help me if you master the swahili language.
1 speak french, english, and fulani, and can help you in any of those languages.
waiting for your prompt reply.

Language pair: Swahili; French
saliou d.
August 24, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 31, 2007
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