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Language > Turkish
Category > Jokes

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Three wishes
An elf gave three wishes to an old man. First he wished to be on a beautiful beach. The elf granted the wish and the man found himself on a lovely beach in the Bahamas. For his second wish he asked that his wife could be with him. The elf granted the wish and his wife arrived. He looked at her and said that for his third wish he would like his wife to be thirty years younger than him. The elf granted his wish and said," There, now you are 90 years old.

Language pair: English; Turkish
Vivien E.
February 15, 2008

# Msgs: 1

Re:ı want to improve my english,please help me!!!
You will have learned English if you can say "the sixth Sheikhs sixth Sheep is sick" three times in 5 sec - or if you need more help can try but no promise

Language pair: English; Turkish
July 16, 2007

# Msgs: 4
Latest: July 16, 2007
Re:Re:ý want to improve my english,please help me!!!
thanks kailay, ı'll be happy if you can help. but how can ı contact to you?

Language pair: English; Turkish
zenny z.
July 1, 2007

# Msgs: 4
Latest: July 16, 2007
Re:ý want to improve my english,please help me!!!
Sure I am from NY, I will help you in your studies of the English Language, Ask me any questions and I will provide a thorough explanation.

Language pair: English; Turkish
Kailey R.
June 30, 2007

# Msgs: 4
Latest: July 16, 2007
ı want to improve my english,please help me!!!
ı am a turkish girl and ı'm studying english in turkey. please help me.ı can help you to imorove your turkish or ı can teach you how to speak turkish...

Language pair: English; Turkish
zenny z.
June 29, 2007

# Msgs: 4
Latest: July 16, 2007
Re:is anyone willing to learn Turkish? :)
Merhaba Secil, i can help you to improve your English and i would really like to learn the Turkish Language as i am going to Turkey in November.

Language pair: Turkish; English
Jack W.
June 2, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: June 2, 2007
is anyone willing to learn Turkish? :)
hello everyone,
I`m a 23 years old Turkish girl, who would like to help me to improve my English? i can teach Turkish in return if you like:)

Language pair: Turkish; English
secil u.
May 31, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: June 2, 2007
Re:For ayfer akdamar
hi sibel!thanks for your interests.if youhelp me for english i will be happy.of course i will help you.you can contact me (myfall@icqmail)

Language pair: English; Turkish
ayfer a.
May 2, 2007

# Msgs: 1

HÝ i'm looking for a partner for my english and maybe if you are different country AND culture it will be amazinggg:)))i'm waiting your addsss

see youuuuuuu

Language pair: Turkish; English
ayfer a.
April 24, 2007

# Msgs: 1

please please......PLEASE!
HÝ it's me ayfer from turkey and looking for a person who help me for english.let's exchange our languages but hurry up:))))))

Language pair: Turkish; English
ayfer a.
April 24, 2007

# Msgs: 1

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