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Re:Re:Re:Hayoa Miyazaki
Hola Matt,

Acabamos de mirar a la pelicula de Miyazaki, "Whisper of the Heart," que era muy fantastica. La escena donde el abuelo de Seiji y sus amigos les unieron con Seiji y Shizuku cantando su canta estaba preciosa. Nos gustabamos mucho los detailles como el gato "Moon", y la manera en la cual Miyazaki usa los calles y los coches para acordarnos que Sizhuku siente que todo el mundo excepto ella tienen destinaciones y saben donde estan yendo. Es una pelicula muy intricadamente arreglado con efecto muy profundo. Esperamos mucho ver nuestra tercera pelicula de Miyazaki pronto, lo que nos has recomendido, "Howls Moving Castle".

Mark Y Judy, de Sacramento, CA, USA.

We jsut finished watching the Miyazaki movie you recommended to us, and we loved it very much; especially the scene wher Seiji's grandfather and his friends joined in with Seiji and Shizuku's song. We look forward to seeing the other Miyazaki you recommeneded to us, which will be comeing in soon.


Mark & Judy,
Sacramento, CA USA.

Language pair: English; Spanish
Mark S.
August 17, 2006

# Msgs: 4
Latest: August 17, 2006
Re:Re:Re:Hayoa Miyazaki
Thanks Matt,

As it happens, I had 'Howls Moving Castle' in my Netflix queue. I went ahead and added "Whisper of the heart" in, too.



Language pair: English; 
Mark S.
August 12, 2006

# Msgs: 4
Latest: August 17, 2006
Re:Hayoa Miyazaki--O Bien...

Mi amiga y yo nos gustaba mucho esa pelicula. No he visto nada otra de Miyazaki, pero espero hacerlo.

We (My girlfriend and I) loved Spirited away very much. I haven't seen any more movies of his, but I would love to.

Mark Sacramento, USA

Language pair: Spanish; English
Mark S.
August 10, 2006

# Msgs: 4
Latest: August 17, 2006
Re:Hayoa Miyazaki
We (My girlfriend and I) loved Spirited away very much. I haven't seen any more movies of his, but I would love to.

Mark Sacramento, USA

Language pair: English; 
Mark S.
August 10, 2006

# Msgs: 4
Latest: August 17, 2006
Re:Jonny depp
I think Jonny Depp is wonderful. I loved him in "Benny and Joon"

Language pair: English; Finnish
Mark S.
August 8, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Re:yesterday,I saw Superman returns
Hi Falcon,

yes, I'm looking forward to seeing Superman returns. I'm a sucker for all of these silly special effects extravaganzas.

So how do you mean that the movie is an Anaglyph? Can you explain without giving away the story?

I don't like Schwarzenegger at all; I don't think he acts very well at all. But I have to admit that I enjoyed watching all of the Terminator movies. And the Matrix movies, too. I have been enjoying X-Men a lot also. I haven't seen the third one yet, though.

Language pair: English; 
Mark S.
August 3, 2006

# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 3, 2006
yesterday,I saw Superman returns
This film is anaglyph.
I saw superman save the falling airplane,and face to machine gun.
It is good in visual effect but screenplay is soso.

I like "Terminator 2" and "The Matrix" best.
I like Arnold Schwarzenegger.
And Neo hit numerous Smith is highlight.

Language pair: English; 
August 3, 2006

# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 3, 2006
Has anyone seen the film "together"?

This is a lovely picture about a father who will do anything to help his talented son succeed as a violinist.

The music and the story are really beautiful. Don't miss it!

Sacramento, CA USA

Language pair: English; Chinese, Mandarin
Mark S.
August 1, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Re:Open Water
hi!! I Just let you know the real underwater life is doesn't like at movie.....For me once you see SHARK on the sea it's realy intresthing for diver, and the shark will never bite you if you no touch they!!! so wellcome to underwater world.... Have fun with your diving card it's fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!

Language pair: English; Italian
Veralyn B.
July 25, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Re:Pirates of the Caribbean 2!!!!whooo!
Hello, my name is Carine, I am french. I love the movie "Pirates of Caribbean" and Johnny Deep. I dont watch the Pirates 2 because in France this movie will be on cinema the 2th Auguste, but i will go to look!!!
Are you like the story of the second movie?

Bye, Carine

Language pair: English; French
July 23, 2006

# Msgs: 1

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