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everydaylife in Italian and English..
please help me in both in English & in Italian. Now I live in manhattan and want to speak English for living and want to learn Italian for my hobbies. because I like Italy for living to speak in Italian & English for my life. please write in English and Italian! because I need for now! if you have any words about fittness, workout Please teach me some words you have? thanks for reading!! Amy
Language pair: English;
amy s.
June 21, 2007
# Msgs: 1
TAG Kenny!
I could try. I'm not a gold member so contact me. my name is Judy, and yours?
Language pair: German; English
Judy B.
June 21, 2007
# Msgs: 10
Latest: December 13, 2007
kenny R.
June 19, 2007
# Msgs: 10
Latest: December 13, 2007
Julia X.
June 14, 2007
# Msgs: 10
Latest: December 13, 2007
Re:Re:Re:Re:Someone want to lern German ?
hi Johanna, ich würde gerne englisch lernen und kann dir beim deutsch lernen helfen.ich komme aus deutschland.meine hobbies sind fitnessstudio,schwimmen,tanzen.
i would you like to learn english.i can you help mit germen.i am from hobbys going to studio,go swimming and to dancing.
Language pair: German; English
June 12, 2007
# Msgs: 10
Latest: December 13, 2007
Salut !
Je collectiones les autographes de toute époques : acteurs et chanteurs de 1950 à 2007, militaires ayant combattu pendant la seconde guerre mondiale, homme politique, personnes royales.... Bref , presque tout le monde !!!
Je recherche donc une fille ou un garçon collectionneur ! Tous les pays sont les bienvenus !!! Je parles français, anglais, allemand et italien !
Bises !!!
Language pair: French; English
June 7, 2007
# Msgs: 1
Katja S.
June 3, 2007
# Msgs: 10
Latest: December 13, 2007
I would like to lean french
Salut! Je m´appelle stefanie et je voudrais j´apprend francais parce que je va fair le bac a deux semaine. Tu peux aider moi?!? J´aide vous apprendre allmand ou anglais.
Language pair: German; English
June 3, 2007
# Msgs: 1
bin p.
June 3, 2007
# Msgs: 14
Latest: September 13, 2007
Re:Re:Re:Someone want to lern German ?
Johanna, I can help you with English. You can reply to this posting with questions. I am a native born American and would be happy to help you learn English words. I would like to learn a little German because I may be visiting the Munich area with my husband for his work. I would like to know how to say: thank you for your help and: where is the rest room (bathroom)and other terms/phrases that would be helpful to know.
Language pair: German; English
June 2, 2007
# Msgs: 10
Latest: December 13, 2007