Hangman Games by Member : Alurion

Short Description of Alurion
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Practicinig Language(s):
Country: Hungary
Description: Hi everyone! I've used to study japanese for 5 years, but lately I haven't had the chance to practice. So I'm looking for a japanese tandem partner who could help me improve my japanese skills, preferably someone who lives in Budapest, so we can meet in person. And of course I can teach you hungarian :) 初めまして、ラスロと申します。前は日本語を勉強していたハンガリー人です.日本語に慣れるために日本語で会話してくれる方を探していま。ハンガリー語が上手になりたいと教えることが出来ます.どうぞよろしくお願い致します.

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Title of Game Language Type Category Last Edited Rating
If it rains when the sun is shining then it is told that...
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Hungarian Proverbs Nature January 2, 2003
10 votes
The worst is still to come
_ _ _ _ _   _ _ _   _ _ _   _   _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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Hungarian Proverbs - Other - January 2, 2003
8 votes
Even old men like making love
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Hungarian Proverbs Making Love / Sex January 2, 2003
12 votes

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