أصدقاء المراسلة - أصدقاء المراسلة لتبادل اللغة والثقافة

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Name Country

person Dustin
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December 28, 2024
الولايات المتحدة
I recently traveled to Rio de Janeiro and found great interest trying to speak with people. I would like to learn more Brazilian Portuguese do I can return and have conversations. My interests where I live in Denver, CO include gardening, hiking, and skiing. I work in clinical research so I am interested in that as well.

person Reagan
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December 22, 2022
الولايات المتحدة
(Arvada, Colorado)
Greetings! My name is Reagan and I like memes, dogs, horror novels, and creating art. I honestly have no real reason to learn Italian, I just want to know a second language and Italian culture has always fascinated me so I thought Italian would be nice. Plus, it would be great to make a friend! I don't have gold so feel free send me an email! if you want to DM me, just tell me that you'r... See more

person Mike
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August 18, 2022
الولايات المتحدة
My family is from Japan & Germany, of which I have only visited Japan. I don't have anyone to practice with or learn from here, so I'd like to make new meaningful connections. I am fluent in English & have a minimal vocabulary & understanding of German & Japanese. I am not a gold member let me know you're from language exchange and we can communicate.

person Annabelle
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December 7, 2020
الولايات المتحدة
(Arvada, CO)
Me llamo Annabelle. Soy de Colorado, USA. Quiera practicar español y ayudar a alguien practicar ingles.

person Jody
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June 18, 2019
الولايات المتحدة
سيبوانو (بيسايا)
I am looking for a host family for a cute 16 year old boy from France who will be here for 3 weeks starting on Saturday! He has group activities 2 full days per week, but the rest of the time he just wants to be part of his host family and participate in whatever they do. His interests are: watching movies, playing video games, playing sports, etc. There is a $150 host family stipend that gets ... See more

person Patricia
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February 2, 2019
الولايات المتحدة
سيبوانو (بيسايا)
I would like to learn conversational Italian as it seems I revert to Spanish words (which are limited also!) when trying to converse in Italian. I am a grandmother who enjoys spending as much time as possible with family. I like to sail, write, quilt, sew, read and travel as much as possible. Although I live in the United States, my employment takes me to different countries and I question if ... See more

person Mason
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November 18, 2018
الولايات المتحدة
Hey, my name is Mason and I live in the U.S. I'm looking to find a language partner to help me with learning Japanese. If you have any questions about English, I will help you to the best of my abilities. Thanks.

person jacob
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September 30, 2018
الولايات المتحدة
My name is Jacob, I am looking for a pen-pal for my spanish class.

person Kisa
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August 9, 2018
الولايات المتحدة
سيبوانو (بيسايا)
Hi, I'm Kisa! I have always had a deep admiration and respect for Japan and it's culture and I hope to spend as much time there as I can someday!I have studied Japanese off and on throughout my adult life but really want to emerse myself in the language.

person Salvador
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April 18, 2018
الولايات المتحدة
Me gustaria aprender Arameo,para poder saber ma's de nuestras ancestros. Mi nombre es Salvador.
Total found: 47
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ابحث مرة أخرى

بحث الأعضاء
ابحث عن شريك لتبادل اللغات لديه:
اللغة الأم (مطلوب)
لغة الممارسة
نصيحة: استخدم النسخ اللغوية من اسم المدينة.
على سبيل المثال، ابحث عن مونتريال وMontréal.
ابحث عن روما وRoma.

إدراج الحروف المتحركة  
العمر من: إلى:
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البحث عن تبادل دردشة صوتية
البحث عن تبادل مباشر وجهًا لوجه
الاسم الأول
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