أصدقاء المراسلة - أصدقاء المراسلة لتبادل اللغة والثقافة

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person Enorelle
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January 9, 2025
الولايات المتحدة
(College Park)
صيني (ماندرين)
College student who wonders what it would feel like if she could someday roll her r's as perfectly as the Swedish or know when to swap the adjective for the noun or the noun for the adjective when stringing sentences together in French and Italian. I enjoy visiting cute animal photos on the internet, studying history after the medieval period to the present day, and learning tidbits about psy... See more

person Todd
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November 27, 2024
الولايات المتحدة
(College park)
Hey! I'm Todd.. I'm currently looking for help with learn the Spanish language. Im a fast learner and a great teacher.. I have patience and understanding. If you want to learn English I'm your guy..

person ena
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November 11, 2024
الولايات المتحدة
(College Park)
こんにちは! Hi, I'm a native English speaker in College Park looking to improve my Japanese before I study abroad! I'm willing to help you improve your English, and also willing to go to Washington D.C. Let's get a coffee, go to a park, and chat!

person Moon
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September 3, 2024
الولايات المتحدة
(College Park)
I’m a Korean in my forties. I’m learning English, but I haven’t made much progress yet, especially in speaking and listening. I enjoy learning new things and am open to discussing various topics. It’s okay if you don’t have much time to interact and mostly want a language exchange partner to briefly ask questions about languages, cultures, and more. It’s also fine with me to have someone who can h... See more

person Wayne
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July 12, 2023
الولايات المتحدة
(College Park)
I am a college student who wants to learn Japanese. I have always been interested in Japanese culture and recently visited Japan. It inspired me to learn both the language and the culture seriously.

person Amuktha Malyada
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February 26, 2023
الولايات المتحدة
(College Park)
Learning a new language

person DANNY
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December 14, 2022
الولايات المتحدة
(College park)
Hi. I'm Danny I was born and raised in Korea. I live in Maryland now and plan to stay there for two years. I felt that my English would not improve without an American friend even if I lived in America. I’m looking for good friends. Let's hang out with me. Thank you

person Jaehong
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September 16, 2022
الولايات المتحدة
(College Park, MD)
Hi, I am Jaehong from South Korea. I am now studying economics as a Ph.D. student at UMD. I am going through my 3rd year (Time flies!). I usually talk with some friends in my dept, but COVID made me stay alone and I cannot improve my English by myself. I want to meet many friends here and improve my English. Also, I can help you to study Korean as a native speaker. Aside from my study, I am intere... See more

person Issac(jie)
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October 18, 2021
الولايات المتحدة
(College Park)
صيني (ماندرين)
● Aquaponics Practitioner for Healthy Food Production ● Airbnb Host ● Foodie & Amateur Chef I am a first-year graduate student in the University of Maryland. Very glad to meet you! I need to improve my spoken English. Sure, I would be very honored to teach you Mandarin. I grew up in Hangzhou, where is the headquarter of Alibaba. Also, I have kept a close eye to Taiwan. I know how to write a... See more

person Aidan
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October 11, 2021
الولايات المتحدة
(College Park)
صيني (ماندرين)
My name is Aidan. My native language is English. I am from America and currently attending your first year of university in the states. I am studying computer science with a minor in Chinese. I studied Chinese in high school and want to build on my skills. I love to go thrifting, surf/skateboard, weight-lift. I also ran a marathon, but no longer run. Looking for someone to practice my Chinese with... See more
Total found: 73
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ابحث مرة أخرى

بحث الأعضاء
ابحث عن شريك لتبادل اللغات لديه:
اللغة الأم (مطلوب)
لغة الممارسة
نصيحة: استخدم النسخ اللغوية من اسم المدينة.
على سبيل المثال، ابحث عن مونتريال وMontréal.
ابحث عن روما وRoma.

إدراج الحروف المتحركة  
العمر من: إلى:
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البحث عن تبادل دردشة نصية مباشرة
البحث عن تبادل دردشة صوتية
البحث عن تبادل مباشر وجهًا لوجه
الاسم الأول
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