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ashley teacher
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October 15, 2013
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durham, north carolina
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United States |
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We will cover everything and we keep working until we have it right |
Teacher Name:
zakia afroun
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July 22, 2009
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durham, north carolina
Country: |
United States |
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Teacher Name:
Alfred Mangabell
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October 11, 2008
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City, state or province:
Durham, NC
Country: |
United States |
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Mes programmes sont conçus pour aider à l’étudiant de développer sa propre connaissance de la langue avant de passer à des nouvelles leçons. Cela va lui permettre de réviser et de lui faciliter la compréhension des nouvelles leçons en se basent sur des exemples simples et explicites. Ses examples peuvent être des activités que l’étudiant fait tous les jours. |
Teacher Name:
Abdullah-Hakim Idris
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January 21, 2008
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Language to teach: |
City, state or province:
Durham, N.C.
Country: |
United States |
Lessons delivery: |
Live in person
Teaching approach: |
Over the years I have watched many native english speakers in some ways get lost in the program because the teacher though he/she is fluent in the arabic language is unable to find out just what it is that makes this so hard for many english speaking students. As a native speaker of english I have on many occasions seen the problem and know how to address it. When it comes to a language like arabic there are few native english speakers, even after going over seas to study that are able to pronounce each character correctly consistantly in conversion and teaching. I bring what english speaking people need, proper arabic without the slang and a appetite for perfection when teaching. |
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