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July 26, 2004
# Msgs: 1
Help me!
While reading a cartoon, I came across a phrase I can' t understand. A conversation takes place between a docter and a black young guy. " Recently I' ve been wrestling with my identity." " Does your being black have anything to do with?" " Jesus-not that as well." Could you explain the last phrase to me?
Language pair: Japanese; French
Maiko K.
June 17, 2004
# Msgs: 1
Re:Re:Can somebody please translate this French song for me asap!!
Below is the accurate translation, enjoy it!
She's fresh white in the morning She's soft, tender She's serene She's excellent Oh she says tonight " let's go dance" Tonight when morning sleeps She's despairing Oh she always says good morning like this She always says goodbye like this She always says I want this this this She's tyring She has continuation in her ideas Suddenly she tells you "Goodnight, till tomorrow" But when she dances, Beautifull, honest, a queen Oh she's mine All this for me An angel dancing around and yet, Oh she always says good morning like this She always says goodbye like this She always says I want this this this She's tyring Oh she's mine Oh she always says good morning like this She always says goodbye like this She always says I want this this this She's tyring tyring Intelligent Interesting (Attractive) She's mine Attractive Intelligent Interesting and attractive tyring Intelligent And exciting Despairing She's mine Attractive Not very gallant Smiling And afflicting And reassuring Excellent "Désobligeante" And irritating On the good slope She's mine Intelligent Smiling And threatening And militant Despairing Very very changing...
Language pair: English; French
Yara B.
June 4, 2004
# Msgs: 1
J'ai trois tortues : deux grandes (un mâle et une femelle) et une petite d'une espèce différente.
Comment dites-vous ça en japonais?
I have three tortles : two big (one male and one female) and one little of different sort.
How do you say that in japanese?
Language pair: French; English
March 3, 2004
# Msgs: 1
Re:Need help translating to English
This French expression should actually be "avec beaucoup de chaleur" and means "with much heat". "Heat" or "warmth" is used in a metaphorical sense, it probably refers to an affected heart. I'm not a native speaker of French, but still I'm quite sure.
Language pair: French; English
Johannes D.
October 5, 2003
# Msgs: 1
Re:can help for french
Could you tell me how to say "I hope to hear from you soon" in French?
Thank you very much in advance.
Kind regards,
Language pair: French; English
Sylvia B.
September 15, 2003
# Msgs: 1
Re:un GAOU ???, un SUMMUM ???
Bonjour Marcin,
Pour: " ... gaou", je ne peux pas te répondre....
Mais "summum" signifie: sommet, absolu, apogée, apothéose, paroxysme, point culminant.
Language pair: French; English
September 2, 2003
# Msgs: 2
Latest: September 2, 2003
un GAOU ???, un SUMMUM ???
C'est toujours moi! Cette fois-ci, je voudrais vous demander de m'aider a traduire quelques titres de chansons qui se referent au vocabulaire agotique (je crois). Il s'agit du: "Premier gaou" et "Au summum". Pouvez-vous me les expliquer, s'il vous plait?
Language pair: French; English
August 15, 2003
# Msgs: 2
Latest: September 2, 2003
If you do have any problem concerning Polish language (vocabulary, grammar, translations, slang expressions) and a possibility to contact me (GoldMembership-I guess): please don't hesitate! I'll gladly respond and will do my best to help. You can write in English, French, Spanish or... Polish!
Language pair: French; English
August 10, 2003
# Msgs: 6
Latest: August 15, 2003
I need help from French-language people
Hello everyone! My name's Marcin, I'm 21 and live in Poland. Can someone please help me translate the French sentence "Tu es foutu"??? Salut a tous! Je m'appelle Marcin, j'ai 21 ans et j'habite en Pologne. Je voudrais savoir ce que veut dire la phrase "Tu es foutu". Pouvez- vous m'aider s.v.p.???
Language pair: Polish; French
August 5, 2003
# Msgs: 3
Latest: May 22, 2007