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Language > Japanese
Category > Hobbies

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Re:I'm a Japanese, studying Icelandic, French and English
hey! i'm moroccan i want to learn japanese and english , i speak arabic, frensh , i love mangas...

Language pair: English; Japanese
nadia c.
June 8, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: July 30, 2008
hey! finaly i found someone who likes mangas!! i want to learn english and i can learn you frensh or arabic if you want and we can also talk about mangas please answer me 'cause i need that .thank you!

Language pair: English; Japanese
nadia c.
June 8, 2008

# Msgs: 23
Latest: May 7, 2011
Penpals ANIME
watashi nihongo motto benkyo shitai

dakara moshi kerebe dareka nihonjin desu

tetsudaite kudasai

ill help with english as well

Language pair: English; Japanese
Brenda A.
June 1, 2008

# Msgs: 16
Latest: May 20, 2017
Calling all the anime lovers of the world I hope I'm not alone in this topic,but I love anime and if you feel the same way as I do then lets be friends

Language pair: Chinese, other; Japanese
Bri'Anna D.
May 29, 2008

# Msgs: 1

Re:Anyone like manga?
I love manga :) Unfortunately, I'm from Canada so I can't tell you anything about the Japanese culture:P I like reading ANY manga book, and I like the shows Inu Yasha, Bleach, aaand... well, I haven't been able to see any others recently. -_-'

Language pair: English; Japanese
Naomi G.
April 4, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: April 4, 2008
Anyone like manga?
Hey, does anyone read CLAMP manga like xxxholic? Or Fruits Basket by Natsuki Takaya? If so, I'd love to chat! I don't speak a word of Japanese but I still like to learn about their culture through their books.

Language pair: English; Japanese
March 17, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: April 4, 2008
Are there any Japanese people out there who can tell me the name of the large drum that's used in the KOTO performances?

Language pair: Japanese; English
March 6, 2008

# Msgs: 1

Hello Jessi,
my name is Svenja and I come from Germany. I´m happy that I found anyone, who likes to draw Manga. I like that. I want to learn speaking and writing english with outher person. Do you want to write with me? I´m happy, if you write me an letter back. Svenja

Language pair: English; Japanese
October 19, 2007

# Msgs: 23
Latest: May 7, 2011
Hello! Im not sure how many people have said this, but I am in love with anime and manga...yes...I am a otaku!
I also draw manga and Id be happy to draw any one a picture, just message me ne?
Jya ne!

Language pair: English; Japanese
October 16, 2007

# Msgs: 23
Latest: May 7, 2011
i want to learn japanese
hi im a 14 girl that likes sushi geisha ninja anime manga and i want to learn to write and speek japanese and i can teach u english i would like a pen pal that lives in japan so write me

Language pair: Japanese; English
joce w.
August 26, 2007

# Msgs: 1

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