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Category > Vocabulary/Translations

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Hello, I would like to say everyday conversation, such as "How are you this morning" in Italian. I speak English.

Language pair: Italian; English
Alida A.
April 1, 2005

# Msgs: 1

I Forgot to say some stuff
I'd help you with your english also. I am very good when it comes to my language. I'd also like to say that seeing a Gold member would have to contact me first, please do so. Oh and again I am a 17 year old male looking for about the same thing to teach me the romantic language of italian, and some culture lessons, seeing I will be going there shortly and do not want to offend anyone.

Language pair: English; Italian
Vaughn G.
February 4, 2005

# Msgs: 1

17 male Looking to learn Italian 2
I'm a 17 male that lives all over the united states, I'd love to learn Itlaian and it is one of my life goals. I am looking for a Gold member to contact me and give me an e-mail address so that we can talk. I know this will narrow my search but I am looking for another guy to teach me...if you know what I mean...but please let me know...until then I will patiently be awaiting you. Ladies if you 2 want to teach me..that would be cool 2

Language pair: Italian; French
Vaughn G.
February 4, 2005

# Msgs: 1

Re:Can u help me say!!!
Of course I can help you...at least lets try. Well, here is the Italian translation:

Hi love
Ciao Amore mio (Chao Amore mio- Hello my love)

I miss you
Mi manchi (mi manki)

I missed you
Mi sei mancato (mi sei mankato)

Where have you been?
Dove sei stato? (do-ve sei stato)

I am calling to tell you
Chiamo per dirti (Kiamo per dirti)

that I want to hang out with you
che vorrei uscire con te (vorrei- would like to)
(ke vorrei usheere con te)

Kiamo per dirti ke vorrei usheere con te

Call me soon
Chiamami presto (Kiamami presto)

Waiting for your call
Aspetto la tua chiamata (aspetto la tua kiamata)

You're so handsome
Sei cosi carino ( sei kozi karino- the 'z' is like Zip)

Don't leave me
Non mi lasciare (Non mi lashare)

Well, I hope he won't.
Remember: Italian is not as much the language as their unique way of feeling. And exept a few rules they read as they write. Bye Bye

Language pair: Italian; All
January 8, 2005

# Msgs: 1

Re:For Mr Therapy and his needed italian Translation !
And the I am in Italy
She is with me,

Making love to my eyes
Her eyes, shifting color
Blue-green to green-Blue
Let those pouting lips smile
Let those fair cheeks blush
Just so I can see
Just so I can feel
Like it were for me
That I made you smile.


Ed eccomi in Italia
Lei con me,
a fare all amore con i miei occhi
I suoi occhi cambiano colore
dall'azzuro-verde al verde-azzuro.
Lascia sorridere quel broncio
lascia arrossire quelle guancie morbide,
solo allora potro' vedere
solo allora potro' sentire
come se fosse per me
che ti ho fatto sorridere


Language pair: English; Italian
December 26, 2004

# Msgs: 2
Latest: December 26, 2004
how to write a name in Belarusian
I need to know how to write the surname "Kuliova" with the Belarussian alphabet. Please write me the real Belarussian version; you can add the Russian one, but please specify the language.
Thanks a lot.

Language pair: Italian; All
Michele B.
December 11, 2004

# Msgs: 1

name in Belarusian alphabet
I'd like to know how the surname "Kuliova" is written in the Belarussian alphabet. Please, translitterate it in Belarusian, not in Russian (if you want to write both forms, that's good as well, but please specify which is the Belarussian form and which the Russian one).
Thanks a lot.

Language pair: Italian; All
Michele B.
December 11, 2004

# Msgs: 1

Hi Massimo,

I would love to learn Italian (I have only basic knowledge). I could help with your German in Exchange (I am native speaker).

Hi Massimo, ich würde gerne Italienisch lernen (Ich habe nur Grundkenntnisse). Dafür könnte ich Dir mit Deutsch helfen, ist meine Muttersprache)

Language pair: Italian; German
Dirk H.
November 12, 2004

# Msgs: 1

Re:I am happy to help you practice English in return for help with basic Italian or German
Hi, I would be glad to help you with your German. In return, my English needs improvement.

Language pair: German; Italian
Dirk H.
November 12, 2004

# Msgs: 1

Re:For Mr Therapy and his needed italian Translation !
I’ve seen some other comments on this poem, and I agree with you, on the fact that if you read beyond the mere lines, it does make sense, no matter what language it’s written in.
Of course, I do respect other people’s outlook for in fact that’s what literature is about, isn’t it?, ie viewpoints, feelings, etc, which may vary from person to person.
To my mind, both translations are very well interpeted.

Language pair: English; Italian
american version
November 3, 2004

# Msgs: 2
Latest: December 26, 2004
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