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Language > English
Category > Vocabulary/Translations

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i live in Canada now,i am learning english now,my native langue is Mandarin,i am pleasant to help u with chinese.

Language pair: English; All
January 24, 2004

# Msgs: 2
Latest: January 24, 2004
Re:How do I say
italian: come vai?
spanish: cómo estás?

Language pair: Turkish; English
american version
January 23, 2004

# Msgs: 3
Latest: September 1, 2014
I can help, but... I'm not a gold member. How'd you suggest we contact each other?

Language pair: English; All
Water K.
January 23, 2004

# Msgs: 2
Latest: January 24, 2004
Re:english kurdish translation please
Hi Aisha,
I would like to help you to learn in Kurdish,
PS.I'm not a goold member.
Simdi size benle nasil irtibata gecebileceginizi yazacam Umarim cozersiniz(muhteremozkan)bunu yazdiktan sonra yuvarlak icinde (a) yida yazdiktan sonra turkce karsiligi (sicak) olan ingilizce kelimeyide yazdiktan sonra mail (nokta)'yi da koyduktan sonra turkece karsiligi (kom) olan ingilizce kelimeyi yazacan bu benim internet adresimdir.Umarim ne demek istedigimi anladin:))

gorusmek uzere.

Language pair: English; Kurdish
M. O.
January 22, 2004

# Msgs: 1

What does this say?
I got rose and that is it. "Kolab Knong Suon Vannak"


Language pair: English; Cambodian (Khmer)
Roy A.
January 20, 2004

# Msgs: 1

Re:Need Help With Spanish
Hola Anie me gustaria ayudarte a aprender español, y que me lo reviertas en ingles porque lo nesecito al igual que tu, pues tengo muchas ganas de viajar a Canada, ok, muchas gracias!!

Language pair: English; Spanish
Meliza V.
January 20, 2004

# Msgs: 4
Latest: January 20, 2004
Re:Need Help With Spanish
Hola a todos, espero que algun miembro de esta pagina me ayude a aprender ingles, realmente estoy en ingles basico pero me gustaria aprender rapidamente porque viajare a Canada dentro de unos meses, por fis ayudenme. Thank you!

Language pair: Spanish; English
Meliza V.
January 20, 2004

# Msgs: 4
Latest: January 20, 2004
Re:Need Help With Spanish
Hola a todos, espero que algunmiembro de esta pagina me ayude a prender ingles, realmente tengo de aprender ingles basico pero me gustria parender rapidamente porque viajare a Canada dentro de unos meses, por fis ayudenme. Thank you!

Language pair: Spanish; English
Meliza V.
January 20, 2004

# Msgs: 4
Latest: January 20, 2004
Re:Buongiorno! I'm learning Italian... help is needed.
Ciao! Ecco come puoi tradurre la tua frase: Sto imparando l'italiano e per il momento lo so poco ma sto facendo progressi lentamente!
I love cooking...just like you! We could exchange some recipes, let me know! Have a nice day!

Language pair: English; Italian
Valentina �.
January 19, 2004

# Msgs: 1

Re:How do you say Philhellene in Greek?
Hi there...
I'm Greek and my name is Eugenia M.
You didn't find a female version of "filellinas" because there isn't one!!!This word is comprised of 2 other words: filos (friend)+ ellinas (Greek-male) and applies to all people regardless of their gender...

Language pair: English; Greek
January 18, 2004

# Msgs: 5
Latest: January 18, 2004
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