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Language > Norwegian
Category > Vocabulary/Translations

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Hola, Pamela: hablo noruego y estudio español. ¿Hablas algo de noruego ya?

Language pair: Spanish; Norwegian
January 13, 2008

# Msgs: 4
Latest: January 13, 2008
hi! i want to learn your norwagian languange and in return il teach you how to speak english.

Language pair: Spanish; Norwegian
miriam s.
December 3, 2007

# Msgs: 4
Latest: January 13, 2008
Hola! Necesito que alguien me enseñe a hablar noruego, yo soy de mexico, podria enseñarles a hablar español y un poco de inglés.

Language pair: Spanish; Norwegian
November 30, 2007

# Msgs: 4
Latest: January 13, 2008
Re:How to say
"Have a good trip"

Several ways to say it in norwegian but a common one is;
"Ha en god tur" (a word for word transelation, but still a used expression)

You can express it "harder/softer" like saying wonderful,great,etc by putting it in front of "god"
"ha en riktig god tur" (english: have a really nice trip)
"ha en fantastisk god tur" (english: have a great trip)

Language pair: English; Norwegian
nor a.
July 12, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: July 12, 2007
How to say "Have a good trip" in Norwegian
I have a friend who is sailing to Norway and I would like to wish her a good trip. Can someone help me? Thanks

Language pair: English; Norwegian
Andi D.
July 10, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: July 12, 2007
Hi, Norwegians, some one help me whit your language, please!!!!

I can teach you spanish with all expresions.

Language pair: Norwegian; 
Alejandro S.
June 14, 2007

# Msgs: 1

I want pratice English and to learn Norwegian, please!!
I'm Brazilian woman, speak Brazilian Portuguese ...have many interests and I want to pratice English language.
I want so much to learn NORWEGIAN, please! If somebody here has interest, please write to me, i'm not a Golden member.

Language pair: English; Norwegian
Cintia F.
March 31, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Me gustaría aprender noruego!

Soy una chica de Barcelona y os puedo ayudar aprender español.
Me gustaría aprender a decir cosas básicas en Noruego como ¿De dónde eres? ¿Cuántos años tienes?, etc. Tengo también nivel intermedio de Inglés y me gustaría mejorarlo. Gracias!

Language pair: Norwegian; English
January 17, 2007

# Msgs: 3
Latest: November 12, 2011
Re:Norwegian-Romanian Lessons
Hello Corina.

First of all, in norwegian you can use several answers to that sentence.
Like you said; "Bare hyggelig" is more used in other settings, and "Velkommen" is more use to welcome someone to you home (or where you are at the moment)
If someone would say to me "Takk for maten" I would simply replay "Vær så god (værsågod)" This transelate (in correct words) as "You're welcome"
I think "værsågod" is most used here in Norway.
If you're still interested I would be of help in your learning of Norwegian. If I could learn some Romanian, that would be perfect.


Language pair: Romanian; Norwegian
Rigmor B.
October 29, 2006

# Msgs: 1

If you like to learn turkish, please contact me.

Language pair: Norwegian; 
Soner C.
September 15, 2006

# Msgs: 1

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