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Category > New Member

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Konnichiwa. Paul desu.
Trying again. Does this work? Hello! はじめまして。

Language pair: Japanese; 
Paul E.
July 10, 2024

# Msgs: 1

Japanese interpreter seeking Tongan speaker
I'm a Japanese interpreter seeking to learn Tongan and teach Japanese. I am trying to become a gold member but need to wait for a reply to my questions. I don't know how long it takes them to reply, it has already been over a week.

Language pair: Japanese; Tongan
Ako L.
December 10, 2023

# Msgs: 1

I want to many friends :)
Nive to meet you.
I’m Ayumi.Live in Japan.

I want to make friends with foreign women who live in Japan (or plan to visit Japan)!

because I like to meet and talk face-to-face and I am married and not looking for a partner.

Until now, I have guided many foreign tourists. However, I can barely speak Japanese!

Please email me if you are interested:)


Language pair: Japanese; English
Ayumi ..
May 25, 2023

# Msgs: 1


Language pair: Chinese, Mandarin; Japanese
Hiroaki N.
December 2, 2022

# Msgs: 1

I want to know about overseas schools
Hello! I want to help people who want to practice Japanese.
I want to know what a foreign school looks like.
What are students living abroad learning?
What kind of club activities do you have overseas?

If you are willing to tell me what the overseas school is like, please reply to the comments on this board.
(Only women aged 12 to 22 are recruited.)

I want to enjoy everyday conversation.

Language pair: Japanese; English
November 8, 2021

# Msgs: 1

初めまして、未央です。日本語 を勉強して、N1を目指してい ます。
周りに日本人友達が いないから、中国語を勉強して いる日本人を探して、お互いに 交流して、勉強したいです。中 国言語文化学を専攻していたの で、中国語の勉強に役立つと思 います。
例えば、Line で週に一回、30分中国語、3 0分日本語で会話練習はどうで すか?他のアイデアがあれば、 教えてください。
通常メンバーですけど、 よろしくお願いいたします。

大家好,我叫未央,我接 触日语有几年的时间了,目前在 备考N1,但周围没有合适的交 流对象,所以想找正在学习中文 的日语母语者相互 交流、学习,一起进步。我大 学是中文系的,对你的中文学习 会 有一定的帮助。
我们可以 使用Line每周一次,一次1 小时,其中30 分钟日语,30分钟中文。当 然,如果你有其他的想法,也可 以交流。
希望我们能够长期 交流学习,成为朋友 。
另外,很抱歉,我还不 是黄金会员。

Hell o everyone, my name is Weiyang, I have been in touch with Japanese for several years, and now I am preparing for N1, but there is no suitable person around to communicate with, so I want to find Japanese native speakers who are learning Chinese to communicate with each other, and make progress together. I majored in Chinese, I think it is helpful.
We could communicate with each other by Line once a week, 30 minutes in Japanese and 30 minutes in Chinese. Of course, if you have other ideas, just tell me.
I hope we can communicate and learn for a long time and become friends.
Sor ry, I'm not Gold member yet.

Language pair: Japanese; 
October 15, 2021

# Msgs: 1

Re:Hello from Maine, USA
Hello Tinamarie, How are you doing and Thanks for sharing. I wish to be your partner if you dont mind please.

Language pair: Chinese, Mandarin; Japanese
Freeman G.
July 6, 2021

# Msgs: 3
Latest: July 6, 2021
Looking for Partner to speaking Japanese
Hi I'm new here
I live in indonesian
My native is indonesia .
I'm 27 years old from 22nd February
I know a little bit English and a little bit japanese
Feel free to talk with me if you want
I can help you if you want to learn indonesian
Thank you

Language pair: English; Japanese
Achmad Ramadhan A.
June 15, 2021

# Msgs: 1

Looking for Partner to speaking English
Hi I'm new here
I live in indonesian
My native is indonesia .
I'm 27 years old from 22nd February
I know a little bit English and a little bit japanese
Feel free to talk with me if you want
I can help you if you want to learn indonesian
Thank you

Language pair: English; Japanese
Achmad Ramadhan A.
June 15, 2021

# Msgs: 1

Seeking for a Japanese/Mandarin or Japanese/English exchange
Hi, I'm new here. My name's Kuang and I come from Taiwan, currently living in Indiana. My hobbies are playing the guitar, traveling, and cooking.

I would like to improve Japanese speaking skill and make new friends via this platform.

My backgrounds:
*Alma mater: University of Notre Dame
*Language: Chinese, Mandarin - Native (I have taken an 100-hour course on how to teach Mandarin); English - Business Level; Japanese - N2

If you're interested in Mandarin or English, we could schedule a time via email and meet on Google Meet.

Thank you!!

Language pair: Japanese; English
JuKuang C.
June 11, 2021

# Msgs: 1

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