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Language > Catalan
Category > Making Friends

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Recordar la parla italiana
Voldria recuperar la parla italiana que fa un munt d'anys vaig aprendre a la universitat. Penso, escric i parlo italià bastant malament, per això voldria fer un intercanvi lingüístic amb el català. Si no voleu aprendre català, em conformo amb fer conversa italiana, mitjançant el xat de veu o alguna plataforma que m'ajudi . Moltes gràcies.
Io vorrei recuperare la lingua italiana che io ho imparato a l'università, da molto tempo. Penso, scrivo e parlo male, ma mi piace molto, perche per me è la mia siconda lingua. Si voi non volette imparare il catalano, io voglio `parlare in italiano con il xat di voce. Grazie mille.

Language pair: Catalan; Italian
November 15, 2020

# Msgs: 1


Language pair: French; Catalan
January 3, 2016

# Msgs: 2
Latest: January 3, 2016
Bonjour à tous.

Language pair: French; Catalan
December 12, 2015

# Msgs: 2
Latest: January 3, 2016
Re:English friends
Hi Ariadna and tirzah, I'm from Mexico, I like to improve my English like Ariadna we can practice de 3

Language pair: Spanish; Catalan
May 3, 2013

# Msgs: 2
Latest: May 3, 2013
Re:English friends

I am looking for someone to practice my basic spanish with and in return, I can help you with your english! :)

Language pair: Spanish; Catalan
Tirzah E.
April 23, 2013

# Msgs: 2
Latest: May 3, 2013
Make friends
Hi! My name is Júlia and I want to make new friends for practise english. I can help you if you want to learn spanish or catalan.
If you have 14 years old more or less, send me a message, please.
Thank you!!!

Language pair: Catalan; Spanish
Júlia A.
January 21, 2013

# Msgs: 3
Latest: February 15, 2013
Make friends
Hi! My name is Júlia and I want make new friends for practise english.
I can help you if you want to learn spanish or catalan.
If you have more or less 14 years old, send me a message. Thank you!

Language pair: English; Catalan
Júlia A.
January 21, 2013

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:Hello everyone!!! Salut tout le monde))))

I am looking for someone to teach me English, and I teach Spanish and Catalan.

Language pair: Spanish; Catalan
Dayana L.
May 24, 2012

# Msgs: 2
Latest: May 24, 2012
Want to learn Finnish!
Hi!... i wan't to speak finnish :) emmh, i can help you with the spanish because i'm from Chile... and I speak a little bit of english... but that's the only idiom what i needed to communicate with people from finland... i don't know anything about finnish... if you want speak spanish, we can exchange language... okey?...
Good bye!

chao!!... espero que alguien lea el mensaje XD que les vaya bien k9 ! :D

Language pair: Catalan; Finnish
Camilo S.
May 20, 2012

# Msgs: 1

Es necessitá aprendré catalá
Bones, jo som un jove que vull aprendré a parlar catalá i per aixó tenc que practicá amb alguna dona smpatic.
Actualmente viviu a Mallorca i estic cercant treball, peró a tots llocs em pidiu parlar el catalá.
Gracies a tots por la vostra ajuda.

Language pair: Catalan; Spanish
Gonzalo M.
June 2, 2011

# Msgs: 1

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