Nom | Pays (Ville) | Langue Maternelle | Langue Pratiqué | Description |
Hello, I'm Elena and I live in Italy. I'd like to get my first certificate of English sooner rather than later and I'd be pleased to help you with your Italian.
I'm a special education teacher in the secondary school and I have many interests, walking in the nature, swimming, yoga, spiritualità, pilates, classical music, reading, theatre.
Ciao, mi chiamo Elona e vivo nel nord Italia. Amo le lingue, lo sport, i viaggi e la letteratura. Motivo per cui mi trovo su questo sito? Perfezionare le lingue visto che le uso molto nel mio lavoro.
Ciao mi piace conoscere ed avere amici in tutto il mondo. Se vuoi migliorare o imparare l'italiano, sono pronto ad aiutarti
I’m Alessia and i’m 37 years old.
I want practice my english for work and myself.
I hope to find a good relationship with another person who has the same hobbies (es travel, cooking…)
I'm Fabio from Italy, 54 year old and married.
My desire is to chat with people around the word and know each other!!
I want to learn English and in meantime to teach Italian and Italian cuisine.
I like Leterature, art and classic music.
I'm wating your feeedback as soon.
Best regards
Buongiorno, sono una donna italiana di 56 anni, ho sempre amato la cultura giapponese di tipo tradizionale, quindi la ceramica, la calligrafia, l'origami, il ricamo sashiko ecc ecc ecc ecc ecc :D sto imparando la lingua giapponese. Vorrei scambiare corrispondenza e opinioni con giapponesi interessati alla lingua italiana o con italiani residenti a Tokyo.
I am a manager in a small Italian company. I would like to improve my English for my business trips.
Hi all, I have decided to join this community of learners, because I would like to improve my English skills.
I mostly like music and traveling. I also like reaeding books and watching movies or TV series.
Ich wohne in Italien, ich lerne Deutsch seit einige Jahre weil ich fremde Spreche an der Universität studiere. Ich lese gerne, ich reite Pferde, und ich wandere sehr gerne. Ich war schon dreimal in Deutschland und ich möchte nochmals dort reisen.
Hi, nice to meet you all!My name's Alessandra,I come from South Italy but now I live with my family in a town near Milan.
I'm an architect in my studio and I'd like to improve my english not only for work but also to better my communication with friends from other countries.I'm open minded,I have curiosity for every aspect of life and culture.I love photography,art,travelling ... See more