Correspondants américains - correspondants pour l'échange linguistique et culturel

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Total found: 11
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person Spencer
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January 26, 2020
United States
Hello I am spencer, I am 16 and I wanna learn Japanese, to teach English in Japan when I get older.

person James
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October 3, 2019
United States
chichewa (nyanja)
I'm intrested in learning chichewa, also known as chewa, nyanja and chinyanja. I travel back and forth to Africa often. I am a independent contractor in professional driving. I am looking to start business in Malawi and other parts of Africa. I am passionate about learning this language.I want to learn many languages but I will master chichewa first.

person Jonathan
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March 8, 2017
United States
I'm a male from the states and always have love the Hawaiian language. I would love to learn to speak and write it. I would love to. Be able to speak two languages but I need help.

person Jaycie
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October 18, 2016
United States
Hello everyone! My name is Jaycie and I am 20 years old living in the United States. I have an assignment for university to find out about a different culture and I am supposed to ask someone of that native culture. Any culture would be acceptable, I am curious about all different cultures! If you wouldn't mind answering some questions about your lifestyle, I would really love to find out m... See more

person Jeremy
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July 3, 2016
United States
(Davison, Michigan)
I have been studying Russian off and on for a couple of years, and realize that I need to start using the language conversationally in order to really learn it.

person Romy
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April 14, 2016
United States
はじめまして. 私は Romy です. I am 43 years old. I am a married レズビアン who has just celebrated 20 years with my wife. I am attending graduate school in Hawai'i this fall. I will be studying Japanese history. I think that my Japanese skills are not very good since I am a beginner, and would like to connect with someone in Japan to practice reading and writing. In return, I would help you learn my languag... See more

person Jacob
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February 28, 2014
United States
Hello, I am an American native who has always has always enjoyed Japanese culture and have wanted to learn the language. I am very fluent in American English and would love to find someone who wants to teach and learn. Thank you for your time.

person Carol
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September 7, 2013
United States
Hello! My name is Carol. I've always wanted to learn a language, besides for French/Spanish, which was the usual option when I was in school and wasn't that interesting to learn for me. I've always liked unique things and I find German unique and a language I would love to learn. It's only my first week using Rosetta Stone and it's a little confusing. I'm also having ... See more

person Angelina
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April 3, 2013
United States
I am a 39 year old nurse looking to learn Norweigan. My grandmother came to the united States in 1916. I learned a little from her. But one day vowed to return to Norway and find the rest of our family and learn about my roots.

person Lori
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October 11, 2012
United States
Hello! I am living in Michigan, USA but have lived in Germany (Bitburg) and Austria (Wien). I have struggled with German, but it is a quest to continue learning. I would love to help with your English, while learning more German. Would love to speak with someone currently in Vienna (Hoch Deutsch, bitte).
Total found: 11
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