Correspondants américains - correspondants pour l'échange linguistique et culturel

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person Stevie
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October 15, 2017
United States
Hi, my name is Stevie. I'm 20 years old and looking for a pen pal from Japan. I don't know very much Japanese but I'm learning. I love the culture and plan on moving there someday with my boyfriend. I really like plants and animals. I have a dog, Tuttle, fish, and chickens. I draw and paint. Watercolor is my favorite. Since I don't know much Japanese I can help you with Engl... See more

person Mary
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May 21, 2017
United States
Hello! I am a native English speaker looking to speak some other languages, though I'm currently focusing on Russian. I can also teach some English in exchange.

person Ashley
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May 10, 2017
United States
I am learning the langue to better communicate with my boss and hos family

person Hallie/Jisoo
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July 4, 2016
United States
Hello, I'm Hallie! I would love to learn more about cultures all around the world so I can travel often in the future! I will be going to S. Korea in the next year, so I am currently studying the language and culture a lot these days! I hope to meet many new people :)

person Alicia
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February 23, 2016
United States
I am of German descent and I have traveled three times to Switzerland staying 6 weeks each time as a missionary. I loved it over there. I am interested in learning more German. I know more words than sentences. So, pretty much I'm just an infant when it comes to speaking German. If there is someone out there who has the patience to help me, I would appreciate it. I am 43, I love to trav... See more

person Joseph
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May 30, 2014
United States
Joseph kasprzak I live in the U.S. Am 67 years old and am planning to come to Germany.I spent 3 years there about 55 years ago and would like to relearn German.

person Peter
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August 5, 2012
United States
My name is peter, I'm 18 and live in the united states. I'm a native english speaker, and would be happy to help anybody that is looking to learn this language. Personally, I want to learn Ukrainian, and really would love someone to have someone to practice my pronunciation with.

person Luke
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August 16, 2009
United States
gaélique (écossais)
I have never spoken any other language but English however I am trying to learn the language of my family that has been lost for as long as they have been here in America. Someday I hope to return to the highlands of my past and would like to speak the old language. If you can help I would like to try to help you

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