Nom | Pays (Ville) | Langue Maternelle | Langue Pratiqué | Description |
United States
(Longview, TX)
chinois mandarin
chinois cantonais
大家好!我叫Glyn,我係美國人。我喺大學做教授,我係一名退休医师,我都有計算機安全博士學位。我有二十年嘅工作經驗同十六年嘅教學經驗。我住喺美國德州,但係我經常去中國,特別係香港同廣州。我衹識講一啲廣東話,但係我講得唔好。我希望您願意幫助我提高我嘅中文水平。 我覺得我能幫助您提高您嘅英語水平。 我嘅愛好包括學習語言,學習詠春拳,和駕駛冇人機。
filipino (tagalog)
Hello There!
My name is Stefan Istvan and I am interested in developing my foreign language skills while discussing/participating in subjects that are fun for both of us!
I am interested in studying the following Languages, Morse Code, Braille, American Sign Language, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Greek, Latin, Hungarian, Mongolian, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Tagalog and Arabic.
Circ... See more
United States
(Longview, Texas)
Bonjour, je m'appèlle Andrew et je suis Américain. J'ai habité ici pendant toute ma vie et parle l'anglais couramment. Je serche des locouteurs natifs de français, ce que je déjàs parle autour du niveau B2. Je voudrais tout simplement pratiquer la conversation en français et, en retour, vous aider avec votre anglais.
Je suis disponible sur , et Tandem.
I live in the United States. I have also lived abroad for several years. I would like to improve my spanish writing skills.
Ich versuche Deutsch nur für mein persönliches Interesse zu lernen. Ich war schon ein paar Mal dort und möchte mehr als ein paar übliche Wörter wissen. Ich freue mich darauf, Spaß zu haben und neue Leute kennenzulernen. Etwas Geschichte und Kultur zu lernen wäre ein großer Bonus. Meine Hobbys sind Radfahren, Sport, Experimentieren mit neuen gesunden Mahlzeiten, Reisen und Spielen mit meinen Hunden... See more
Hello, I speak Spanish and I want learn English, I'm here in USA for learned this language.
Hello My name is Adam Ramirez. I'm 34 years old and am looking for a partner to practice my Spanish with.
United States
(Longview, Texas)
I study spanish on douling. Iwould love to visit spain and mexico. and get to meet people
Love music reading I want to learn japanese and looking for penpal to help me pactice speaking learning Japanese
I am a beginner at learning ASL online. With limited resources for the Deaf or Hard of Hearing where I live there is no one for me to practice with. I decided to start learning because I work in Healthcare and even though there are resources offered I just wanted to learn so I can communicate myself. I struggle with social anxiety so I'm not sure how reaching out on here will work but I figur... See more