Correspondants américains - correspondants pour l'échange linguistique et culturel

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Total found: 14
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person Ashley
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September 11, 2018
United States
I love learning new things and making new friends, I love food and k-dramas. I love kpop and Korea in general I find very interesting and fascinating. Learning so I don’t have to look at the subtitles and hopefully vacation in South Korea someday.

person Stephanie
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September 1, 2017
United States
Hi! I'm a young girl who wants to learn how to speak Japanese! I enjoy reading, writing, watching anime, and dressing in the latest fashion. I hope that I can learn Japanese so I can go to japan. 🇯🇵 I will gladly help people who want to learn to speak English. I hope we can be great friends!

person Stephanie
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July 24, 2017
United States
Hey,I love cute clothes and video games. I also enjoy sweet and spicy food, and love the idea of going around the world. I plan to learn Japanese since I plan to go to Japan sometime in my life. Writing has always been my passion and I plan to make it my career. I also enjoy cute animals such as dogs and hamsters and baby piglets.

person Jasmine
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August 1, 2016
United States
Hello, my name is Jasmine, 18 years old and I'm from and currently living in New Jersey. I'm interested in becoming fluent in Spanish. Right now I only know my basics and would like to improve and also help someone else in English as well. Also Swedish is a third language i'm interested in. Hola , mi nombre es Jasmine , de 18 anos de edad y soy de y actualmente vive en Nueva Jers... See more

person Ray
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November 28, 2015
United States
chinois mandarin
I'm really interested in learning mandarin and if you can teach me I can teach you English and Spanish. I enjoy playing video games and listening to music and going out

person jamie
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October 4, 2015
United States
Hello! English is my first language. I know just enough Spanish to get by. I would love to learn Serbian to communicate with Serbian friends in their own language.

person Christen
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September 28, 2014
United States
Hello. I am looking to learn Polish. I am a beginner. I am very new to the language. I also would like to practice speaking Spanish. I do have a decent beginers vocabulary, but struggle with the speaking component. I am looking for helpful, patient people to work with. Look forward to hearing from you soon.

person Ashli
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September 18, 2014
United States
Hi there, I'm Ashli. In the next year or so, I am moving to Japan. My Japanese is very beginner and while I am going to Japan to study the language at a Language School, I still wish to pursue help before rather than later. So, if you're interested in email at all, please feel free to email me. I look forward to meeting any and all. (:

person Mildred
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January 1, 2014
United States
i am looking for my old friends masahiro matsuoka and ninomiya kazunari in japan but i don't know their language but i would like to learn it and gain friends in the process if someone can help me with both i would be most welcome and I can teach English in exchange thank you

person shakira
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January 17, 2013
United States
My name is Shakira and I am 23, I love the Spanish language and culture. I only know a handful of Spanish words and phrases but would like to be able to hold a conversation. I am very friendly and patient. English is my first language and I would be happy to help others learn it.
Total found: 14
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