Correspondants américains - correspondants pour l'échange linguistique et culturel

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Total found: 19
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person Skylar
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July 5, 2023
United States
(Pinellas Park)
Hello! My name is Skylar. I am from the United States and I am very interested in learning more Spanish. I know very few words that I have learned from my co-workers but not many. I am eager to learn more and I feel this is the best way to learn and meet new people. I want to learn more so I can communicate with others around me.

person Nate
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July 8, 2021
United States
(Pinellas Park)
I am an American who is looking to learn Icelandic and Norwegian so I can travel and maybe live there. But it’s mainly because I love these languages and think they’re the most beautiful. I am a fast learner and very friendly. A great people person who loves wine and fine foods but also loves to work outdoors with my hands and rough it. I can talk about anything.

person Brittany
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October 2, 2018
United States
(Pinellas park)
filipino (tagalog)
Hi I'm Brittany and I live in Florida! I recently became friends with a few people that speak other languages and thought I would see if i can learn some myself. I work from home and have a beautiful 8 year old daughter. Our extra time is spent at Busch gardens, the beach, or out fishing. I can be a great helper with someone learning English. You can find me on facebook!

person Taylor
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September 30, 2018
United States
(Pinellas Park)
Hi everyone! My name is Taylor and I just recently started getting into many different Asian cultures, and I really would love to learn Korean and travel there in the future. I love k-pop and kdramas as well and would love to learn more about the culture and the language.

person Lawauna
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April 13, 2018
United States
(Pinellas Park)
Hi! My name is Lawauna. I am learning German with hopes to visit Germany someday. Also my ancestry can be traced to Germany and I would love to be to read documents while searching for family.

person teresa
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January 13, 2018
United States
(pinellas park)
hi, i am interested in learning korean, because i love korean music, and want to know what they are saying, without using english subtitles.

person Keely
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July 7, 2015
United States
(Pinellas Park)
chinois mandarin
Hi! I would love to learn Japanese and Mandarin because I am thinking about obtaining a degree in Foreign Business. Even if I do not, Japanese and Mandarin are two languages I have always wanted to learn. I would also gladly teach anyone English. I love books, writing, and movies. :)

person Dakota
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January 28, 2015
United States
(Pinellas Park)
Hi! I'm Dakota, and I love languages. Right now, I'm learning Spanish and Japanese and I'm looking for a partner that will help me learn any of those languages!

person Josey
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August 20, 2014
United States
(Pinellas Park)
cambodgien (khmère)
Hello, my name is Josey. I would like to learn a another language and I thought that Cambodian or Khmer would be interesting.

person Zoe
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April 5, 2014
United States
(Pinellas Park)
cambodgien (khmère)
Hi my name is Zoe and I would really love to learn how to speak Cambodian I have a lot of Cambodian friends who speak both but they never have the time to sit down with me and help, I know a few words but not enough to actually hold a conversation.
Total found: 19
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