Correspondants américains - correspondants pour l'échange linguistique et culturel

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person Alexander
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November 21, 2024
United States
I am Russian native and I live in USA >20 years. I am chemistry university professor. I like travels, outdoors, workout, literature, and history. I am learning French mostly for pleasure. I like French scientists, literature and songs. I would like to practice my conversational French talking about anything interesting over Skype, Zoom, Whatsup etc. In return, I will be happy to help with Ru... See more

person Zam
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March 24, 2020
United States
perse (farsi, dari, hazaragi)
Hi, my name is Zam and I am a college student. I am willing to teach anyone who wants to learn English in exchange for them to help become fluent in my native language Afghan Farsi/Dari. I am very fluent in the english language since I have lived in the U.S for 16 years.

person Robert
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March 19, 2017
United States
filipino (tagalog)
Native English speaker trying to learn Tagalog and teach English in exchange for learning Tagalog

person Donald
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May 11, 2015
United States
I am an Italian American who is interested in improving my very basic Italian language skills. I have a aunt, uncle and cousin who live in Ravenna, Italy and have traveled to Italy many times over my life time. Despite having an Italian mother and Italian American father who both spoke fluent Italian, I never became fluent in the language and it is something I regret. I would love to help a nat... See more

person brittany
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January 30, 2015
United States
I am 16. I have a passion to learn german and may be going to germany for a whole year in august till July 2016. Sadly german does not fit in my school schedule this semester and I would like to text/ email someone who is a native speaker. It would be a big help. Danke!. Aufhören!

person Sheryl
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July 31, 2013
United States
He sido estudiando el español hace 8 años. Me gustaría practicar todas mis destrezas especialmente mi lengua oral . Me gustan el idioma, la cultura y quiero mantener mi nivel de fluidez. Estoy casada y tengo 2 hijas. Una está casada y la otra acaba de graduarse de la universidad. Saque mi licencia de español hace 3 años y viví en México y España por un mes(cada uno). Me gusta leer, viajar, la mùs... See more

person sarah
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February 5, 2013
United States
(Yardley, PA)
i am sarah.i lilke to knit , cook, read etc. i am learning spanish because i want to become a translator for hospitals

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Par exemple, cherchez Montreal et Montréal ou Rome et Roma.

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