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gaélique (irlandais)
Aupa! Solasa euskaraz eskaintzen dut, gaelikoz, alemanez edota ingelesez mintzatzearen truke, zer iruditzen zaizu? Espainolez ere badakit./Buenas, intercambio de conversación en euskera o en español a cambio de Gaeilge (Irlanda), alemán o inglés. Pamplona-Iruñea, interesak: musika, historia, culturas extranjeras...
I'm Metxu and my age is 57. I am a Basque philologist who has been studying English for several years in order to keep up my English skills and hopefully, improve them! You know... 'use it or lose it!'
I am trying to get more input by reading and listening in English and to get to know some nice people from Eire and UK to chat . I would be happy to help with your Spanish.
I am 47 years old. I am from Basque Country.
I speak two lenguages: basque(euskera) and spanish.
I work as seconday teacher.
I like to travel and I am intetested to learn english.
I like to walk, to ride a bike, to practice yoga...I love reading a good book and watching movies.
Hello, I would like to practice English language in exchange of Spanish or Basque.
Podeis mejorar vuestro español a cambio de practicar inglés conmigo. Euskara praktikatu ahal duzue.
I live up in the mountains and work at the University. I enjoy knowing people and new cultures.
I’ve been to Japan before covid with the working holiday visa. I stayed in Tokyo for 1 year but never attended a language school. I can understand conversational Japanese but I’m not able to speak fluently. I want to practice talking in Japanese and in exchange I can help with your Basque or Spanish.
2月下旬から東京に住むことになる20代女性です。日本語を練習しながら、友達を作りたいです!趣味は読書、ソーイング、映画、歴史や文学について学ぶことです。母語はスペイン語とバスク語ですけど、英語も話せるから、どちらでもの練習を手伝います!遠慮なく連絡してね (Gold member ではない。恋愛関係に興味がない。)
Hola, estoy interesada en poner en practica y mejorar el ingles que aprendí, sobre todo hablado. Tambien estoy interesada en el italiano. Emakume euskalduna naiz
Hello! My name is Dei and I want to improve my English. I love to talk about my culture and also others. I love to travel and read.
Kaixo, Josean naiz gaztelaniaz eta euskaraz hitz egiten dut eta grekoa praktikatu nahiko nuke, aurrez aurre edo bideodeialdiaren bitartez.
Γεια σας, με λένε Josean, μιλάω βασκικά και ισπανικά και θα ήθελα να εξασκήσω ελληνικά, προσωπικά ή μέσω βιντεοκλήσης
Je m'appelle Iranzu, j'habite à Bilbao et je voudrais trouver des correspondant(e)s pour discuter, histoire d'essayer de ne pas oublier le francais que tellement d'efforts m'a coûté d'apprendre. Toujours prête à aider ceux qui voudront apprendre ou améliorer l'espagnol ou le basque. Au plaisir de vous lire et même vous entendre.
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